Interesting, I thought this was more of a “Chad” kind of move.
Interesting, I thought this was more of a “Chad” kind of move.
Leah did not come to play.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Where are you getting that info? There was no proof that was the case and in fact... Manning’s leaks led to zero deaths by enemy forces.
Yes, the well known and totally successful ‘stabilisation’ of Afghan. Also I’d like a citation on the lives lost. Only lives I can tell who were lost were those civilians mowed down by the biggest terrorists on the planet. The US army.
She wasn’t convicted of treason.
Back when Giuliani was running his kids refused to endorse him or show up for him. His daughter is publicly working for Clinton. Kids can stand on their own principles.
If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.
Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.
Sorry, but Hillary has spoken about climate change, criminal justice reform, the gap between the rich and poor, access to healthcare and reproductive rights for women, etc. If these aren’t real issues, then I’ve got a ski slope in North Dakota to sell you.
You’re probably lucky enough to be the biggest asshole you know, so you likely don’t have to worry about someone (like yourself) calling you a liar after experiencing a significantly traumatic event. How fortunate for you.
Does it really sound like the boy who called wolf? How exactly do you explain the concierge?
The “joke” isn’t even funny...
Nope, it’s still a asshole comment. Just because they make a TV show doesn’t mean they are lying when they say they are robbed.
This one briefly made me debate my child free status. Briefly.
Forget videos of officers playing a game of basketball with “city youths” or pretending to pull black people over but handing them ice cream, this is how you build community trust and put skin in the game.
He’s more than a creeper. The first victim was a college student who asked him for advice via email, wondering if she should major in Political Science or History as a segway in to politics. His “advice” was a dic pic. His own staff says he was violent and awful, often throwing furniture around, having one of the…
Did anybody else read the headline and think to self “That sounds exactly like something Hugh Grant would say” …?