
“Tell Richard the story.

Jay is my name, Insurance is my game. Insurrection was a game I also used to play.



I thought The Happening already *was* the dark and gritty Arbor Day movie.

He should be accompanied at all times by a Public Safety Engineer wearing an “I’m with an insurrectionist” sandwich board. 

I ain't afraid of no rolley coaster!

But is that the same thing as a “Finder”...?

I’m having trouble getting past the abbreviation of “Naughty-Lister Level 4" as “NL4,” when presumably “Nice-Lister Level 4" is ... ALSO “NL4"? 

Yup, a standard “Everybody was great to work with” Random Roles... and then Uwe Boll comes up and the record needle scratches.

Truth? The new ownership loved the original incarnation of the site, and the current editors believe in the concept of “standing on the shoulders of giants.” They’ve endured the G/O era, they’ve got good writers who were stymied by the requirements placed upon them by the previous ownership, and I truly believe that

After reading this, I was thinking about how his resigned, “It’s a walk-off” in Zoolander was pitch-perfect. Agreed that this is a great Random Roles. He comes across as a treat to talk to. Hansel was right, Billy Zane _is_ a cool dude.

This was awesome! Random Roles is probably the best recurring piece that the AVClub still rolls out from time to time.

Well, thank god for Will Harris and Random Roles and the other improvements to the site, is all I have to say.

Literally the phrase that went through my head when I asked about it.

Nothing like a Will Harris Random Roles!

I got a Community notification for this?

My favorite thing is that he’s so loquacious regarding just about any of his films, but can barely spit out one line about his two Uwe Boll experiences.

Welcome back (again), Will.

where were you for the movie se-seven-en or the tv show numb-three-rs