
Amazing how you can start with an incorrect premise and then go this far critiquing its origin while providing no relevant supporting information.

This sort of article, and the entire “Baby it’s cold outside” discourse, sounds like a Babylon Bee article about how clueless liberals are.

Sheesh, save it for your letterboxd account.

It is October 2019. I am reading a news story about how “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is bad. They say there is a new version by John Legend and Kelly Clarkson.

Montalbán’s character’s name, José O’Rourke, only makes things more confusing.”

I wonder if anyone actually is dim enough to genuinely believe that’s what the song is about”

This take is so cold I’m going to use to manipulate a woman into sex with me


I wonder if anyone actually is dim enough to genuinely believe that’s what the song is about?

It ticks all the boxes, doesn’t it? Lazy, out-of-date, out-of-touch, completely lacking in nuance, yet presenting itself so confidently.

I, too, am a functionally illiterate moron who doesn’t understand context. It’s so nice to see people like us given the space to publish on this website. 

I think I’ve found my new most-hated AVC writer

Why are we giving this song any attention when people unthinkingly sing “Let It Snow” even though it’s clearly written by Randian libertarians who next to the comfort of their fireplaces believe the unhoused get whatever meteorological punishment they deserve for not working hard enough?

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”

On point. The song is a time capsule of the way adults used to flirt. Within the context of the song there is no rapey vibe at all. People of that time probably just thought it was a cute way to demonstrate the playfulness of dating in a more reserved society.

i thought the “it was over corrected” hyperlink was to hand-wave that reassessment, but it’s just referring to a John Legend cover. Remember when hyperlinks were used to supplement the context of a sentence with the information it referenced, and not to completely contextualize an oblique reference?

this is the most dire thing I’ve read on post-kinja avclub, which is quite an achievement. much like chemical warfare was an achievement.

What could be more timely than a June 2024 post resuscitating a niche cultural debate from 2015 about a 1949 Christmas song?

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”’