
Don’t forget about crossword puzzle designers.

I enjoy that this comment is pending approval.

Yes, this article is dated 8:15 pm but when I scroll through the main feed, it doesn’t show up between the Baby Driver Newswire (8:06 pm) and the Paul F. Tompkins Clips (8:34 pm). Can someone look into this?

Just above the photo with the episode grade, you should see boxes with the show title and season number that you can click on. You can browse season one reviews through there.

So, I guess that Mohd doesn’t post here anymore?

Just posting to see if this worked . . .

I kept expecting it to be one of the clues.

Alex probably likes 1867 for Canadian Confederation.

No surprise that @disqus_BN2GRNyb7j:disqus is promoting a jumping-on-freight-trains agenda!

I guess that she was hung up on tying a response to the name Calvert and just threw out a "Cal" guess as time was expiring. I still laughed, though.

Where is the Stannis gimmick account, who should be replying to say fewer dragons?

Yup, diamond is 10x platinum (in the US).

From this article: "New York City tap water has very low levels of calcium carbonate and magnesium, which produces softer gluten"

I was expecting a critique of the $5000 DD3 bet, when an all-in wager would have been appropriate.

It's the one where I'm all alone, I'm rolling a big doughnut, and this snake wearing a vest . . .

Moe: Oh, everybody is going to family restaurants these days. Seems nobody wants to hang out in a dank pit no more.
Carl: You ain't thinking of getting rid of the dank, are you, Moe?
Moe: Ehh, maybe I am.
Carl: Oh, but Moe: the dank. The dank!

So, sooner or later, someone on the island is going to tell her "I don't run that kind of operation."