
Anybody want to guess what Star Trek episode is being referenced? The uncertainty is driving me crazy.

Jimmy: Hey, what gives?
Jimmy's Dad: You said you wanted to live in a world without zinc, Jimmy. Well, now your car has no battery.
Jimmy: But I promised Betty I'd pick her up by 6:00. I better give her a call.
Jimmy's Dad: Sorry, Jimmy. Without zinc for the rotary mechanism, there are no telephones.
Jimmy: Dear God!

Hell of a dresser, though.

Jane: We're having a free get acquainted session at our resort this weekend.
Homer: How much is this free resort weekend?
Glen: It's free!
Homer: And when is this weekend?
Glen: It's this weekend.
Homer: Uh-huh, and how much does it cost?
Glen: Um, it's free.
Homer: I see, and when is it?
Glen: It's this weekend.
Homer: And

I just assumed that song was being counted with the standouts. I saw them play a festival after that album came out and was pretty disappointed that "All Systems Red" was on the written setlist but didn't end up being played. They're such a killer live act, though, so it was still an excellent show.

Last night was a boost to your plan.

Seen: 3 (Only Lovers Left Alive, The Cabin in the Woods, Looper)
Heard of/not seen: 27
Not heard of: 20

If only there were some words that could express well wishes but also emphasize the collectively-recognized importance of your efforts.

HATEBOT 9000, I think.

Ask Alien Jesus.

Yeah, there's definitely a touring circuit for the rib crews. Actually, the last couple of years, we've had two visits: the usual summer event and Ribtoberfest.

Ottawa has had a few editions. They haven't succeeded in making it the next Ribfest, though.

It comes up a lot in crossword puzzles.

Dear God, give a bald guy a break. Amen.

Del Shannon, "Runaway."

The Rye-ality of My Surroundings.

Hey, what are you eating?!

I wouldn't.

A Strange Little Cat!?!

So it'd be the return of Justify Your Existence?