
I saw a bit of the last show that they performed before these cancellations and it didn't hold my attention.  I hadn't realized that they were trying to work around an illness, so I'll retroactively cut them some slack.

Yes, I did that one!  I didn't think that I had an answer for this question, so thanks for reminding me.
If you go, you'll definitely recognize one very tall, jagged rock formation, which is close to the road in, so it would have been a prime choice for filming.  It's a fun place to scramble around and take pictures,

It's Ribfest where I live: five days of vendors set up on a pedestrian street downtown, making ribs and pulled pork sandwiches.  As a bonus, after a very rainy spring, it looks like the event is going to coincide with a stretch of sunshine.  (Not that rain has held me back in the past.)

Congrats!  I've had mine for a little over a year and it's a life-changer.  You will love it, for sure.

Instrumental band Rachel's have an album that's the score to a theatrical production about the artist, called Music for Egon Schiele.  Now that you've reminded me of it, I'm going to give it a listen today.

I thought that Probot was pretty enjoyable.

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus Actually, there's a punk band in Ottawa called The Suppositories.

A snake wearing a vest.

I like your ranking.  Chris gets the number one spot in my mind not only for what he said but for getting Twila riled up and encouraging her to be unapologetic, which cost her any jury sympathy.

I love that Eddie saved one of his most definitively Eddie moments for the finale.  His million dollar dream is a bar where you can drop off your dog?  I'm stuck on the image of last call passing and a bar-full of stumbling patrons exiting, trying to walk their dogs home.  What could go wrong?

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus  And a rotisserie chicken channel.

I had the same thought: that if Erik is the swing vote, he's in better shape for a late immunity run if he casts his lot with the Dawn/Cochran/Phillip side of the split, rather than with Malcolm/Reynold/Eddie.  It's not like he had a reason to think that he'd be a top shot-caller on either alliance, so that seems like

Corinne may have been arguing against the vote split because if she says yes to that and then blindsides Philip, the rest of her former alliance knows that she flipped, which opens up more of a chance for scrambling.  If she gets everybody on board with voting Sherri, the Fans would still think that the alliance is

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus Much respect for Linden and for making an offbeat choice of team to support.  I'm afraid that you did not end up choosing the most well-managed organization, though.  As you say, maybe in a few years they'll put up a better push.

An Islanders supporter in Halifax?   When did you become a fan?  I don't think that I knew a single Isles fan growing up, although I'm too young to have seen their glory years.

So sad.  Magnolia Electric Co. is one of my favourite albums ever; and I loved working my through all of the Songs: Ohia releases after my wife introduced Molina's music to me.  I was also fortunate to see the band perform twice and they were fantastic.  After reading the 2011 piece, I had hopes that Molina would

If only he would say "baked potatah!" again.

@avclub-7ee8e2fdc6652f2351e0bf3cd9a1a4be:disqus  Featuring Marty McSorley as himself!

I'm excited to hear the recommendations on this page for the live show, since I'll be making it to one of these dates.

A post on Cave's web site mentioned that Thomas Wylder would not be able to tour and that Adamson would be playing drums, keys, and percussion.  I certainly agree with you about feeling fortunate to have seen them with Blixa but I'm also very excited to see this incarnation of the band next month.