
It's absolutely true but in just about any other sitcom, the characters wouldn't have said so.  This was my favourite part of the episode.

Or pretty, pretty princesses.

That's mandatory listening while decorating the tree at my house.

A wild thing to see, for sure
I was there and it was quite crazy how quickly the wind picked up. Cheap Trick had barely left the stage before the whole thing came down. I was on the same stage last week when the Black Keys were headlining and a sudden wind gust and storm then also caused them to evacuate the stage,

The Ottawa Bluesfest had its origins as an appropriately-named blues event but has grown into an all-purpose music festival.

The Misfits
It's hard to pick just one example from The Misfits, and this one isn't a rhyming problem, but I still have to highlight "Green Hell" for containing the lyrics:

Boom! Roasted.

Mulching is a process of inbred fertilization which employs certain decomposed organic materials—including, but not limited to animal sediment—to blanket an area in which vegetation is desired. The procedure enriches the soil for stimulated plant development while, at the same time, preventing erosion and decreasing

Boom! Roasted.

I agree with the bystander. Luck is definitely a factor; but I think that the race is long enough that the below-average teams get knocked off along the first half of the season. A great team could be eliminated on any leg through sheer bad luck but no truly bad team should make it to the final stretch.

Necro Butcher, you got anything to say to this guy?