
It's actually more like 80 books a month.


Depending on the series and quality it might be worth quite a bit. A good condition copy of the 1963 #1 sold for $1400 recently iirc. There's a 9.8 going for a good few thousand online. If it's ungraded and really poor quality, I wouldn't expect much for it, maybe $30?

I actually liked the first arc of her solo, but it very much was a book designed as a jumping on point for new readers and had all the weaknesses of that (re-establishing things that we already know, keeping Aphra in situations we've more or less already seen).

A lot of people don't like him for being too grandiose and putting plot, operatic theming, and world building over character. I think it works, but it's definitely not to most people's tastes.

You basically only read a third of the book then, if you didn't read Infinity or New Avengers. It's all on Unlimited, though, if you want to give it a second chance.

I mean, personally, I have some Wonder Woman issues signed to me by Gail Simone. I just sold my most valuable comic (Darth Vader #3), though, and it's just a scalper price tbh.

I'm doing great, doing good, how are you?

Aight, so I was away for a week in Berlin so I'm working through two weeks worth right now.

All boys Catholic school in 2009 or so. I think the 2000s were a really strange time, any reaction seemed possible at the time.

I'm supportive of the weirdness, even if it is awkward and poorly paced, because at least it's not another 'Big Bad' versus 'Big Good' and instead it's 'Hey Maybe Monarchism is an Outdated System' versus 'Literal Divine Right'. Sure, it doesn't read like a modern book sometimes and it's poorly paced, but dang it's

Sorry you went through that. I was outed too, but was fortunate enough for that to happen at a time when people were trying very hard to not be homophobic.

Punisher #11 - It's big and it's loud and I've heard it before. Stupid as heck, but I do enjoy watching how stupid it gets.

It should be on Amazon Prime Video.

It's clearly labeled as issue 4.

Yeah, but she broke Soko's heart.

If you want the old canon explanations, budget cuts.

New comics are pretty good, from what I've read of them. Especially Darth Vader.

I'm sorry to say, Dave Thomas has been dead for years.

He wasn't registered. I don't believe he would vote Trump, given his public donations to the Dems. I think the Trump Rant was part of his breakdown.