
It was a message that completely killed my enjoyment of the episode. It went from a 7/10 to a 1/10. It was a blatant endorsement of unethical business practices and a screed against worker’s rights.

ReportOfTheWeek is alt-right. He has prominently displayed Ben Garrison cartoons in the background of his videos and has talked about how he frequently visits /pol/.

RIP Community grades, RIP comments, RIP this community.

Everything about this is terrible. Bad site design; merging user bases with sites with completely different cultures; comment system doesn’t work a lot of the time.

More like if Black Lives Matter was run by slave owners. They're really bad.

Only thing I've ever seen about Josh's politics is that he considers himself socially liberal, but distrustful of the state. I don't see him hopping on the Trump train. Especially considering his wife is an anarchist.

How is Barbie Girl not satire? It takes social issues (the restrictiveness of female roles; how toys are used as a means to convey the normative social hierarchy to children; objectification) and dissects and critiques these issues with humour (the song is clearly sarcastic and ridiculous). To interpret as a simple

HAHAHA oh this'll be worse than the new Disqus change. RIP Avclub.

Wait, what's happening to the comments?

Corn oil for his corn hole.

Extra time is a disability thing, my dude.

Oh you always say there's not enough D.

They have the internet on computers now

Who the fuck cares if they don't know who some guy in a band is

The only Rocky movie I've seen is Rocky Balboa, which was fine.

Thanks. I should soon, it's already healing up.

I damaged my back somehow and now it's painful to walk. No idea how I did it, but maybe it was when I was bowling on Wednesday? It's hard to tell, because I've not done anything else that could've harmed me. Might just be a random pain, though.

My LCS just reopened at a new location yesterday. I was there from the first minute. Store's still small, but it's got way more comics out, and the figure shit is being reduced (which is great, for the most part, figures are tacky bullshit). I mean, we also have a Forbidden Planet, but that's all Manga and GNs these

No disagreements, B.
