
Shit, can you walk away from here too? It'd improve the atmosphere.

Yeah, I called this a couple days ago, but he's definitely having an episode. His mental stability has been declining since before TLOP came out.

Nothing that ridiculous happens, unfortunately. It's mostly an unending sequence of grim scenes stuck together. It's just miserable through and through, without any interest to the misery.

I find it odd that they don't bring up any non Anglophone remakes that are better than the originals. For example, The Beat That My Heart Skipped or Throne of Blood being a better version of Anglophone Macbeth films.

This list reads like a fuck you to non American film making. Thank you, AVClub, for making it clear how far you've fallen.

Moon 2: Flag on the Moon (How Did it Get There?)

To be fair on young dafs, The Beach Boys are much better than Led Zeppelin.

It's worse than beyond tasteless, it's crassly unethical. This is a dead man who no one knows, Foer had absolutely no right to abuse the falling man's body as 'art'.

Uh, I ordered a Zima, not emphysema.

Marilynne Robinson is lovely.

This is it. The worst article.

You leave beer out of this

I don't think it's appropriate to compare taste judgments of superhero movies to some of the worst atrocities of the twentieth century.

But will they write for it?

Man, I hate that Bender Bukowski guy.

So Rebecca Sugar just came out as bisexual at San Diego Comic Con, if that's of interest to anyone other than me.

OJ INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!

Who is Steve Heisler?

Ah, I assumed it was real because he tweets about 'globalists' and retweets Donald Trump.

How quickly we forget 'my pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola'.