
Sam Hyde a few years back. They were praising Million Dollar Extreme. Turns out Hyde donates to white supremacist organisations.

Could you maybe not have tried in the first place then?

Sanders isn't far left at all.

There's no real conspiracy anymore since they reconciled on Starcade and the official story turned out to be true. There's been a little resurgence of the competitiveness since Jon went to LA last week, but it doesn't seem that bad.

Lucas made 3 movies and retired the character in 2014 after a brief revival. He now vlogs on his personal channel.

Aww thanks

My Little Pony porn.

It looks like he's playing an original character that's basically Baron Mordo, but with a different name.

I can't function in this country anymore. I always felt I was unsafe, but now I know that I can never be.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Why is this trending again?

Of course being smart would mean not doing them at all

You churn out five of those bad boys in a fortnight if you're smart about your time.

If you don't know enough about music production, don't weigh in with your opinion on music production.

It goes okay, thanks.


Remember when I used to post here? Good times, I really improved the atmosphere.

Nah, that's just the chest cavity. These are two dudes, and they're probably dating. Trust me, it's gay.

It was okay but had one or two absolutely brilliant ideas that annoyed nerds (a good thing).