I thought this was still about Best of the Worst and you were talking about Rich Evans.
I thought this was still about Best of the Worst and you were talking about Rich Evans.
I looked in the Doctor Who thread today and found out people have been reposting my comments from off site and calling me insane. So, not a pleasant morning.
Thanks for reposting my comments to another site for the purpose of mocking me without asking if it was okay first.
Thanks for calling me insane.
Red Sonja 12 - Woo Gail Simone doing a comedy arc. Literally one of my favourite things. With a strong bisexual woman protagonist, another one of my favourite things.
Urgh, you're so unreliable…
Fucking Disqus replied to the wrong comment
The first half is pretty great, old school, flat shot sorta stuff (I'm sure Narrator has something to say about the direction, I am not super well versed). The second half unfortunately devolves into modern Marvel action movie with lens flares and everything.
I got caught in the rain and cried a lot but I'm okay now.
How is everyone this Saturday?
It's what's stated in my school's style guide. It may vary for you, but that's considered standard in a lot of places.
Each episode you use include separately in the bibliography and only credit the director, since for some reason they are considered the author of the text. It's bull since all film and TV is necessarily collaborative, but it's just the considered the correct form.
I can't do this anymore, I never dated Mickey Rourke saw Gerry.
Oh, boo.
Nah, they were super over rated. Like, they were far too self indulgent and had no idea when to end their songs.
I'm going to check in occasionally, but I don't think I'll stick around so much. I spend most of my internet time on the TI forums now, and Disqus is a pain.
Malta was nice, but very churchy and extremely hot. I got to swim in the Mediterranean and the food was great so I can't really complain!
Sorry to hear about your…
I'm pretty good. Hyped after seeing Qotsa last night, did well last year in my degree, I'm just back from Malta, I've lost weight, my anxiety attacks have decreased, and I have romantic prospects. So decent enough time since I left here. How have you been?
Remember when I got angry at the state of the A.V. Club and left?
They brought him back too.
It happened. It was because grampa liked Lemoneads.