
Murphy's a good one too. McKelvie's great for design (America Chavez has one of my favourite outfits ever, and his Ms. Marvel looks great) and layout, but there are way better artists.

1. Ozymandias - Breaking Bad
2. The Day of the Doctor - Doctor Who
3. Simon and Marcy - Adventure Time

The first issue was in the running when it came out, but IIRC Oli became burnt out on it like many of us here. It just wasn't our thing!

Because Daredevil's going up in price. But that's the only reason.

The last time they had someone good on X-Force it was great! (Milligan)

Yes. Unless you don't like nudity and swearing.

Mystery Men!

Philip Sandifer wrote a glowing review of it, if it's anything.

Ridiculous, Hitler loved Slam Bradley.


Shadow Dancer and Maniac came out in 2012.

The Universal movie is being done here.

Is that the Dracula filmed here or is there another Dracula?

Matt Fraction's X-Men is very bad. He ignored prior characterisation and gave everyone awful dialogue. Avoid it.

What did everyone read this week?
Just a quick run through because I haven't a lot of time this week:

Guess who lost all their comments?

It did work when you replied last time, I don't know what happened though. Blame Disqus.

Tell me more, was it love at first sight?

Well, I don't think I am.