
Literally the main dilemma in Transformers 2.

Some people have weird ass boundaries, so maybe she knows she passed them? Idk. This is why you set ground rules, people.

Oh, Kevin, the "weak and feeble body of a woman" is a reference to a speech Elizabeth I made. It's not sexist, it's a historical joke.

Infinity is fairly divisive. I loved it, even if it was flawed and uneven, but I really like Hickman's Avengers. If you don't enjoy Hickman's Avengers, I wouldn't bother reading it. The New Avengers stuff is directly influenced by Infinity, so you might miss a lot if you're reading NA.

But, but, THE THREE GOOD EPISODES! Those are worth like… four bucks?

Space Mutiny! (because MST3k was never broadcast here, I've only watched [very little of] it over the past year).

A.V. Club is letting me log in again. I guess. Can't change avatar or anything, though.

I know she hates humiliation and insults and whatnot, so I think she just wants to hear me reacting more. But I'm not a reactor. I'm just the Reflektor.

A- from memory.

Haha, you've got the power dynamic the wrong way round. She's more likely to ask what I want to do to her, I mean she's into that. She means during sex, btw, not foreplay and what not.

But only on Sundays.

There was last week. I'd find it for you, but I can't work out the site's new navigation.

Ladyfriend wants me to be louder during, I am a really damn quiet person in bed apparently, but I've no idea what to say. Anything I can think of sounds goofy, and not in the fun way, in the said "Gawrsh" during sex way.

This is the Sugarless Gum Shippers Society.

Click load more when you've only got one tab open!

No, no, the PTA has not disbanded!

…Please tell me the reason you got that is not the one I'm thinking of.

Guys, Disqus is introducing embeded images. Like .gifs, for example.

It messed up my browser and I had to reset it. Doesn't work with Firefox.

The Slitheen are actually a really cool idea that they botched entirely. It's They Live! but it's not an alien invasion, just some idiot con men trying to make a quick buck. There's a good story to be made from them.