
No True Scotsman sounds like McCoy.

I didn't find series 6 particularly dark, it always had an optimism to it. Moffat doesn't really let things get too dark, even Jekyll had jokes and campiness. Who's the same, there's still adventure, there's still fun (A Good Man Goes to War had the Doctor pretend to fly a plane while stopping Kovarian! Strax, Vastra

But he had fingers! And… A head thing.

That was dark, but that at least was surrounded by humour and lightness. There was still a sense of optimism, a life well spent, and a willingness to greet death. It wasn't pitch.

Clara's an awful character, but there's at least a small chance of development next series. She's undeveloped so far. Rose has character development and she's still terrible.

Darker is not necessarily (and rarely is) a positive. When Doctor who gets dark, I mean really pitch black, you have Colin Baker's era. And no one wants that.

That's more a flat D.

That's not what Fundamentalist means.

So much worse than Davies who had everyone shout the Doctor's name and he got better because?

Since when is Moffat a fundamentalist? He's shown far more willingness to experiment than Davies.

I buried my grandfather today. It hurt more than anything else.

Not cool, dude.

Nothing this week, I've been busy with my grandfather's death and whatnot. But double comics next week!

I always hated the end, too mawkish and self indulgent. Except the Matt Smith bit, he was perfect from the start.

I'm surprised anyone enjoyed The End of Time.

Apparently Mass Effect was written by Douglas Adams.

He's got a couple of good stories in him, even after he starts to suck, but basically nothing past Green Lantern Rebirth is excellent.

There's a case to be made for Punisher 2099 as being So Bad It's Good, at least from what I've seen of it.

The Wicker Man's great!