
He was just standing his ground.

A pro confederate flag supporter relying on a “No Votes for Turncoats”? Lol catz to the max.

I mean, its spinnaker alone is worth more than most our houses. And then you have the crew needed to run it, its location in the world, boat size, etc. Not looking to argue, just point out there is a strong chance its a multi million dollar boat.

I can’t see the yacht’s name and thus cannot confirm the price. However, based on the size and rigging I’ll wager its a multi million dollar yacht.

Nah. An easy example is the recent America’s Cup, where 70 foot catamarans used foiling to achieve amazing speeds:


I’ve yet to be on a flight (United) where the people are forced to pay. It is always “We will gate check this for you and it will be on the jetway when we depart”.

Wedding Planners save lives.
Other than getting addresses and driving the fiance places, I’ve done no work.

The first sign of trouble is a criminal defense attorney handling contractual matters.

Those aren’t Enclave soliders. The are U.S. special forces solider. We know from FO3 they had power armor. Its what helped them retake Alaska. Unless we get a big story change the Enclave don’t pop up until after the war.

def looks the same.

can you explain what you mean?

great movie.

Aye, the LIBOR case. I recall instant messages that seemed to indicate they were intentionally changing it in-order to better their own position. In my view, while such conduct is obviously not a bribe, its still using interstate communications to further a conspiracy.

Well as I don’t practice in that area, let me pick your brain a bit.

Do you suspect the DOJ is going after these guys on a RICO based theory or something else?

And related, why were the guys were caught on instant messanger messing with the bank? loan? rates a few months back dinged on Rico?

Am I wrong in saying other than insider trading guys, there hasn’t been jail time in any of the recent bank cases. From what I’ve been seeing, its a large seeming fine (small to the banks though) with no admission of wrong doing and no criminal charges against any of the individuals involved.

Off the top of my head,

I wouldn’t say that. The money changed hands via U.S. banks and the communications furthering the conspiracy certainly occured via U.S. communication networks.

My point above was that I’d just rather see this much umppff against the U.S. companies who do bad acts.

Actually yes. We should most certainly going after the banks and other businesses who engage in criminal acts. You know, the U.S. based entities like Chase Bank and others who somehow manage to just pay fines which are so small to the company that they effectively don’t care.

Being an independent contractor is super sweet.

Pretty crazy about how certain things aren’t taxed.