
And they are correct to do so because Dianne Feinstein should be in jail for multiple crimes, not least of which is using an asset to orchestrate a completely unverified smear campaign against a Supreme Court nominee.


I know I’ll get shit for this but I think Janet is overrated and I can think of way worse snubs to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?

Dehumanizing a target is how it starts.

It doesn’t work that way. There is no rational justification for body shaming.

As some with a tiny penis, thanks for once again reminding me that I’m pretty much worthless to society. Also, good job lumping me in with a racist monster. Appreciate it.

To me, singling out sexual violence against women in wars and only that one issue is a strange stance to take against war. What this boils down to is essentially “We’re not going into the war inhumanities like genocide, torture, ethnic cleansing and any other weapons of war, if you were just so kind to stop raping wome

Calm down they aren’t overturning Roe

Same as 1992, for the record

Eh, I don’t so much feel bad.  I don’t think people should be threatening their families or anything like that, but I’m not particularly brokenhearted that these assholes had their privacy violated.  It’s not like Christine Blasey Ford knows what that’s like.

Howard provided a safe place for what polite society would call weird or deviant. He welcomed people of all sexual orientations, genetic or developmental defects, hookers, strippers, etc. He celebrated them because they were considered outcasts outside of his studio. True, he treated them as curiosities because he was

So you’re going with the hillbilly, gold digger thing.

About guys who skate on credible sexual abuse allegations? Pretty much.

Still not as bad as Bill Clinton on The Daily Show crying about how all the suffering the accusations of sexual assaults had caused HIM.

Brutal sodomy of a teenager vs. racism for the sake of comedy . . . tomato, tomA-toe u say?

Don’t let facts get in the way of click-baiting fake news! Why report facts when you can drum up faux outrage by claiming Trump is going to start mass-texting his tweets and no one can block him? 

Relax, we have been warned about this for weeks that FEMA was testing the Wireless Emergency Alert system. They tested it under Obama they can test it under trump. Breath

The same way Keith Ellison did - by liberals looking the other way, feeling ...uh...’conflicted’.

Liberals will feel compelled to support them both.