
So....body shaming is ok if it’s a man with very public addiction issues seemingly trying to get healthy??

Ok, so he “can’t commit” to teaching in January because he’s assuming he’ll be appointed to the Supreme Court, correct?

Showing a marked lack of insight about what prison is really like.

Hillary must have missed the election isn't won on the popular vote.

Asking honestly - how does the size of the country have anything to do with attitudes towards women and sexism? You are linking larger population size to worse behavior, or conversely, smaller population size to more just behavior but why would that be true?

Do you mean publicly? And, if yes, do you really mean that? Because if so I completely disagree with you. No woman should have to permit the public watching her being dragged and abused. That is not and should not be the standard of proof and no random person should think that they have any right whatsoever to seeing

Sometimes I have found men in my own life with the most progressive personas to be more autocratic and abusive than others. Totally my own experience, nothing more.

They won’t be. It’s all tribal politics around here. 

Past posts about this have elicited comments that have been extremely depressing to read- overwhelming support for the notion that Monahan is a liar and a narcisist- made even more depressing that these comments were in response to a statement from Ellison’s daughter- who is 1) not privy to the entirety of their

oh no, god forbid you should have a comeback with any actual substance. 

Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset and dismiss their grievances. typical dismissive SJW attitude. 

Isn’t the entire point that your boss knows? That you’re disrupting something?

I am a fan of Chris Hardwick. I was asking the same things of Chloe Dykstra. Who is she? Those of us who support Chris Hardwick on the Facebook group I’m a member of have just asked about proof. She claimed she had proof but never came forward with it. I would never come after her and most of the posts I have seen are

How does someone who is falsely accused go about exonerating themselves?

Person makes unverifiable, career endangering accusations in public, withholds evidence in her favor, and is shocked that people reacted, much less negatively? Even if you believe every single accuser ever, how is Chloe Dykstra not aware of how the internet works considering her previous work?

Tears of happiness...”waking up white” is the best feeling! 

For fucks sake, what an endless catty 20 year feud these people have carried on. Honestly, this show and all the drama behind the scenes, has been such a sad commentary on the affluent white woman. It’s nice that they have so much time on their hands for this kind of stupid bullshit.

To which the response is “Congratulations Mr. Trump on your second term.”

As a Trump supporter I will tell you that this is very disappointing. What has Israel ever done for us? Besides export their citizens to our congress, of course. And now they try to stifle our free speech?

I doubt there's anything random about the shots fired at his home.