I can’t believe we’re two years in and STILL have to explain the difference between spreading disease and catching disease.
<“Your rights end where mine begin. You don’t get to tell me how I conduct myself,” Jenne said.>
Yeah, 2008 from a German company called “SkySails.” Same old thing, 13 years later.
That’s sound advice when it’s sub-zero.
<4WD also does not help you corner or stop.>
Yeah, but I’m not sure how well the compressor would survive it.
Yeah, but all that matters is the local air.
<And you understand the driver was fresh out of trucking school - right? >
Dude’s doing it all wrong.
<It’s like someone sat down with a massive focus group and painstakingly poured months of effort into the design.>
Not to be that aerospace engineering guy, but there’s no such thing as Mach ground speeds.
I was bouncing between that and EVA, which is also known as Evergreen.
<Early reports mentioned that the plane hit 1.25 Mach during its dive, but they were never confirmed.>
Aren’t you just a wonderful person.
<I just hope that you’re never in a situation where something tragic happens beyond your control and ability to react.>
<The nearest runaway ramp would be miles before this back up in hte foothills.>
100% true. That’s been shown over and over and over.