
Of course, it’s completely impossible that the server happened to notice the table was missing a salt shaker and dropped one off around the same time the letter writer was being passive-aggressive about an appetizer. I guess in this person’s world, it’s all a conspiracy and there’s absolutely no such thing as

OP probably stiffed the server too for this outrage

“Don’t Spy On Me”

Dear Dumbass,

Dear Salty: My server was attentive and responsive to my needs and now I am mad about it.”

Your server wasn’t eavesdropping, you have a loud piercing voice. Based on this letter, the last thing you need is more salt.

The extra 10% is for being a clown, complaining about a server attempting to remedy a complaint...

“Dear Salty: Someone overheard my obnoxious bitching in a public place where I had no expectation of privacy, and now I’m being a being petulant child about it.”

I don’t get why Salty is shading on the letter writer here.

There’s this thing called... Thanksgiving... maybe you’ve heard of it?

So don’t order your meals until after you’ve eaten the appetizers? What a weird thing to get so bent out of shape about.

Looking at all celebrities in Instagramwith millions of followers like Kylie FrankenJenner doesn’t really speak for the usefulness of IG followers as a metric of anything but how much stupid shit people follow

“This is saying, somebody like me has a place in this industry,”

What you won’t find is them calling out any actual racism. Twitter is rife with self-identified nazis and white nationalists and various other racist types, but I guarantee you none of the folks complaining about “Betty White” have shit to say to any of them.

If they can co-opt the “ok,” sign. We can use Betty.

I don’t know, but it’s the most conclusive proof we have of the absence of a just and caring God.

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

This story really illustrates how rich people live in a different version of America from the rest of us.

Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.