
So he wrote the ticket before inspecting the vehicle? Isn’t that the type of rushing to judgment that police tell the public not to do?

I just agree. Tickets are just a bullshit way to generate tax revenue for the city and unfairly target the poor. Also, they don’t deter or stop the behavior.

So they didn’t know he was there, but it’s OK.

Mr. mayor, where is your outrage that your police department, apparently unable to read at a third grade level, with an apparently unsigned warrant (which makes it void), stormed a house where a suspect once lived, like five years ago, interrupting a 4 year olds birthday party, then proceeded to destroy the birthday

Also, for wasting police resources, bill the woman who called the police because a dog tried to hump her leg and the woman who called the police because a 9 year old boy may have slightly rubbed against her in a store aisle.

Oh the Mayor done found his voice? You could hear a rat pissing on cotton over at the Chicago Mayor’s Office when the LaQuan McDonald story was on going but now

I think that’s one element, but another is that Wonder Woman’s central thesis (that War, as an external force embodied by an immortal god with an absolutely fucking ridiculous stuffy-old-man moustache that has no business being in flashbacks from thousands of years ago, is really behind the evil in all men’s hearts)

Eh, true but they probably wanted their kids to keep up appearances. Social pressure and expectations drive the rich. Look at the Kennedys and Bushes. None of them have to go to Ivy League schools but they do because it’s what is expected of them. Plus, it’s how the wealthy and elite keep the power and economic

Bone to pick: this girl being trash isn’t a hall pass to disparage universities (USC and SDSU in this article alone) that a lot of us worked hard to get into and get through. You don’t sound cool when you suggest these competitive schools are worthless; you sound like an elitisit. If your point is that education is

That’s a good point. My counterpoint is that Instagram and YouTube Influencers” can all fuck off.

Seriously! She bragged about not going to class, and only being interested in parties and game days. GARBAGE.

And yet when I think of what the actual consequences will be here for the parents AND the kids and I realize that really, in the long run, it will be absolutely fucking nothing, I make peace with the fact that I couldn’t care less. And also, at some point the “kids” became adults too and could figure out what the fuck

There’s no way she’s not sobbing and saying, “GAWD, life is so unfair!!”

This encapsulates the full on reality check that needs to be said towards anyone that feels even a micro-second of pity towards that girl or her disgusting privileged family.

You go right on ahead and feel bad for her. I’ll be over here figuring out how to keep my bipolar 15 year old alive and hoping against hope that our insurance continues to pay for her new $1000+/month medication. I have no fucking energy to care about some attractive 18 year old with obscenely rich parents. Fuck that.

YEP she’ll be just fucking fine because we live in hell. 

Exactly. We are laughing at the fact that R.Kelly thinks that display was “grief”. We are laughing at the fact that R. Kelly wants public sympathy. We are laughing at a 50 year old man having gigantic, full-blown toddler tantrum on national TV. We are laughing because we all know he’s not getting away with anything

And, most importantly, how many women and girls victimized by him are watching us watching him and wondering why so many of us think this is so fucking funny?

Callin’ someone a house ‘n’ because he didn’t show up for a fake arbitrary award show? That was his first thought... ? It’s just ignorant and shows the lack of respect he has for himself and for Glover.

But my dude, you call yourself Jase. Like, marinate on that. But, no, seriously, jealousy is a helluva a drug.