
I’m not much of a fan of MacFarlane (his schtick got old a decade ago), but he can at least belt out show tunes, and yeah, do 2x as many voices as Roiland. Though I’m pretty sure I’ve seen MacFarlane do some solid Flintstones and/or other old character impressions. Also, don’t forget oblivious right-wing American.

I barely made it through the first episode. Justin Roiland’s schtick of scholrp and scwhift sounds are repetitive and mostly just dumb. He also doesn’t have anywhere near the vocal range of someone like Seth MacFarlane, so all of his characters have one of two voices. Also, Thomas Middleditch sounds enough like

I ended up like Aerith a lot as well, for that Arcane Ward ability you mentioned. Waiting for everyone to have an ATB to spare, then stacking a row of spells is great for boss fights in general. Gaming the aggro system is also great, and essential when you get to the final boss. Realizing that they entirely focus in

I think of Kenton as like the spirit animal of pudgy, middle-age white guys who do jiujutsu or judo.

They did my man Jamie dirty. I’ve been ehhh about this show because it was doing a bad job of dangling a mystery box, and all of its supposedly big ideas are sort of surface level “what-ifs” played for big drama. The treatment of Jamie really just makes me enjoy it even less.

Since it’s not mentioned/clarified, the mask on the left of the header image is from VOTOMS, not Gundam.

Did they tighten up the combat at all? My main problem with the first one, after playing Sekiro, was that it just felt loose and floppy in the combat mechanics. You spam a lot of attacks at enemies without it really feeling like a sword fight, where Sekiro was extremely tight and focused on being in the zone with

I mean, if I got like 500k (I think that’s what he said he took in) in cash and only had to pay like $160/mo for the rest of my life at age 60-something, I’d take that deal.

Did they include a mechanic where you can knock a character back onto the bleachers for an amount of time? That seems like it could be another way to deal with Saitama’s being invincible. Kick him off-screen before he can land a punch, you know?


Well, that GTA crossed with Fortnite. Which is really to say that it looks a whole lot like a video game.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s  Spacer’s Choice.

I’ve only watched the three episodes of the Morning Show that they put up, and while I was surprised at all the profanity they let through (after the “Expensive NBC” rumor), it really is just a bland, unremarkable show that wants to have it both ways politically.

If anyone is curious about what being a total idiot will get you, including choosing the “dumb” option as your final choice, check youtube for the “ice cream” ending.

Now THAT’S hilarious. I turned down basically all flaws except “Permanent Concussion,” but I did sorta accidentally roll an idiot savant character. I could hack damn near anything, lie and persuade almost anyone, and...always had the “dumb” option in my dialog, which will net you some funny, condescending responses,

I will say that, on my first playthrough, I used the quick-save system to back out of some dubious choices. Standing in the middle of a town full of armed guards, then choosing to shoot their leader goes about as well as you’d think, and puts the quests into the “botched” category.

Yeah, total dick. I felt justified in that one, but when I went to turn in the quest to the Vicar, HE started shooting me, and I knew I’d fucked up if the priest was packing heat.

I didn’t even know you could recruit him as a companion, but that’s because I chose to shoot the Edgewater leader guy in the face after diverting power to the other guys. Let me tell you, they don’t appreciate it when you straight up murder their leader. Just trying to get out of that joint, I had to shoot the sheriff

Can we finally let him fade into the same obscurity and “I wonder what happened to him” as MC Hammer, or Mace? Remember Mace?

I wonder if I’ve ever actually laughed at this show. Maybe during the first season. Maybe in season two? I know I’ve watched all of it up to this point, and I do like it, but I don’t know that I’ve ever really found it funny. The pun marathons they go on are cute sometimes, but I was basically over them after a few