
Interesting, I don’t know how many times I’ve played the game and looked at the artwork and I never noticed it. Looks like his switches hands in the actual game (probably to just allow them to flip sprites), but all the actual artwork and FMVs show him as left-handed.

My initial reaction was far too vulgar to repeat here.

In Paradise PD, one of the characters gets kicked off the show and joins Rick and Morty. Something about how he likes his new complex show because viewers say you have to have a high IQ to watch it. Clearly mocking the pretentiousness that Rick & Morty fans can have about the show.

If money is no object then turning into dragons is a very reasonable thing to brainstorm for a sorcerer to do, it even manages to be a widely known Disney reference since Maleficent did that in Sleeping Beauty back in ‘59. If your job was thinking of as many impressive things Doctor Strange could do with magic, “music

Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.

There was just a load of weird shit in that movie.

Discord does not generally monitor all content posted for appropriateness - they don’t allow actual vile genocidal garbage, but they won’t find it unless someone reports it. (There’s volume problems; also, since Discord was originally a video game platform, you can end up with some alarming statements that are totally

Possible they will, but that will take time. For one thing, it would take a warrant, which likely won't come until Monday at the earliest. 

the beauty of capitalism is that you get the choose the dystopian altered reality you want to die live in!

Sorry sweaty but socialism could never 

2021 was the year of Web3 hype; I look forward to 2022 being the year of Metaverse hype.

I don’t think the long backstory was wanted, I think that was a budget decision. They cut so much expensive action in space time out of the show, they had to fill it with something.

It was just baffling that they thought they needed to explain Vicious. The anime did well because they never fully explained it. Not only that but the actor, I dont know why, but I always laughed when he was on the screen.

It is very, very comfy. It felt like slipping into an old pair of jeans that still fits.

Now playing

eh...I’m in a sharing mood. My personal City Pop goddess is Anri. All of her albums are bangers.

Now playing

Considering the mixing of Otaku, gamers, and other niche enthusiasts, it’s only a matter of time before the algorithim gods gifted those the gift of Plastic Love. It’s pretty much the gateway drug to City Pop as a genre. That and the Van Paugam city pop playlists.

Honestly there’d be something very on-brand about the actual child actors on that show awkwardly aging out of the demographic they’re supposed to be playing.

Right? This is the first I’m hearing of it. Can it really be considered the first half of a season if the second half doesn’t air until 2+ years later?

Damn if thats the best gag this show fucking sucks.

Zack knows that. It doesn’t need explaining. It’s an awful, lazy, ridiculously stupid joke.

C is the ne’er-do-well rogue’s D-, which is the society matron’s B-, which is the platypus’s C+.