
I hope the home release includes the extended ending where Madea is executed via lethal injection. Shame Perry was too much of a coward to include it in the theatrical release.

Arkansas? I thought it was Oklahoma City. Arkansas was the only state us Oklahomans could punch down at when making jokes, when I was growing up...

I can’t believe Black Panther is up for Best Picture. Like seriously, it was about as good any of the other Marvel movies, which I would never expect to see up for Best Picture. The rest of the nominations it got are solid, but I’m holding out for BlacKkKlansman, personally. As much as I hate that so many Best Picture

How long until a rogue lightning strike awakens the brands to terrorize our towns?

As a Cloud player, I’m surprised he’s the MOST commonly played. I haven’t played in a couple of weeks, but my experience was a lot more FE characters. Maybe the combination of all of them greatly outweigh Cloud’s usage, but he definitely didn’t seem to be the a common character at the time.

I was asked “why is it called Kingdom Hearts,” and I just couldn’t even begin to explain. 

One of the things I appreciate about KH3 is that it goes out of its way to recap that convoluted chain of events “naturally.” You know, where the characters discuss it and a montage plays. Normally, I’d call that lazy, but it really helps cut straight to the relevant info...assuming you played the previous games and

As someone whose played all but the mobile-phone game in this series, I’m so desensitized to how fucking weird it is. My girlfriend, who apparently had no idea what the series was or its premise, walked in at one point and said, “that’s a weird combination of characters,” and it was just Sora, Donald, Goofy, and

To be fair KH2 basically did the same thing, except they didn’t feel the need to tell you that you’d be playing Kingdom Hearts 1.9 for 3 hours before the actual title drop.

Now that KH3 is done, SE can really focus up on disappointing everyone with the episodic remake of FFVII, right? 

Hey, it was a cool setting, but after the first manga arc, it was pretty bland until she became an agent. Then it was back to being pretty meh, and had to wrap up quickly. And Last Order was mostly just shounen fighting bullshit that occasionally had a hint of inspiration, like with the vampire lady’s backstory.

Sounded like they were basically doing away with any extended mysteries surrounding who or what she is, but that’s fine, with an alternative being trying to set up a franchise. Cameron talked about how it would be about the spine theft story, plus Motorball, and that tracks.

As someone who read all of the original manga AND Last Order, I’ve been telling people that they can’t really “ruin” the story, since it wasn’t, like...a good story to start with. 

I picked up the first game recently, after seeing that there was a new one, and that people seemed to like it. I’ve really been enjoying the espionage, going through like four costume changes until I’m right up on the target...and then just blasting them in the wide open and fighting my way out.

Sounds a lot like game testers might be out of a job here soon, replaced by people who teach AI how to play a game, then let it find ways to cheat/break the engine.

I’m gonna be real pissed if there’s not a gag where the kid is translating for Pikachu while grimacing and stammering while trying to clean up some of the language.

Bold of them to move away from B.O.B’s original ultimate of coming out and giving us all a lesson in flat-earth theory.

She went to face her fear of sharks by waterskiing over...ah, you know what? Nevermind. I’ve been enjoying the reactions to this batshit-crazy scrambling to revive an undead show.

There was a place in Shinjuku that cooked my rice into a sort of omelette and served the curry around it. That was surprisingly delicious.