
Well, I got some bad news for you, because this Narrative movie is literally the first part of their plan to bridge the gap between “early UC” and “late UC,” with “late” being F91 and Victory, specifically called out at the press conference announcing this one.

But uhhh technically, Unicorn didn’t put a cap on shit, except maybe Zeon. F91 and Victory exists. Crossbone as well, if you count that.

I would call that more “90's X-Men aesthetic” than anything. The style on that is 100% superhero comics.

Where’s the guy who called me crazy for saying this season would be post-apocalyptic?

Funny story: a photo of me gets a solid 2 seconds of centered screen time in the pilot episode. 

Dairy would suck, but I have zero issues with it. I was drinking straight up whole milk the other day, and it’s business as usual there. 

I mean, besides not eating red meat? Not that I know of. I’ve been told you can go to an allergist and get tested for the level of alpha gal. Otherwise, I just have to be real suspect of any shared grill situations. The funny thing is, I can eat any of Taco Bell’s non-beef offerings, and haven’t run into a single

I’ve lived in California for the past five years, and somehow managed to contract this allergy. The odd thing is that I didn’t find a tick on me anywhere. I know what a tick feels like from camping as a kid, and I still sorta do a tick check out of habit. Could have been a little baby tick or something, but still!

Starred in hopes of you remembering this post when a trailer or synopsis comes out.

The twist will be something like it’s post-apocalyptic. But you definitely didn’t hear that from me.

It’s legally not a flamethrower, and therefore not a firearm or weapon. It’s classified as a propane torch.

It’s legally not a flamethrower, and therefore not a firearm or weapon. It’s classified as a propane torch.

As one of the current owners of the not-a-flamethrower, here’s my experience so far:

I got a chance to see the Incredibles 2 a couple of days ago, with Brad Bird and others there to talk about it, and he largely echoed this same sentiment, that the industry is too obsessed with sequels. That said, this particular sequel is actually really good and worth seeing, but I applaud him for not wanting to set

It’s probably for the best that George Michael and Maeby’s stories are the most entertaining. I could see them really picking up the slack as main focuses, with the rest of the family not showing up as much.

I can never tell if Tim is actually begging us for help in escaping his oppressors. I always get a real “they feed me fish heads and force me to speak into the camera” feeling from watching videos with him in them.

I was honestly surprised at how much I liked Humanz, so this pleases me.

Oh, I trust they’ll find a way to keep beating that undead horse until the show is no longer profitable.

Boy, you’re just blasting right through these. I watched the first three here on the FYC DVD Netflix sent out, and I’m just sayin’, I wouldn’t have led with only those. I thought it really started to pick up in 3, but everything after has been much better.

They were allowed to screen in the non-competitive section of the festival. The ban was essentially that they weren’t eligible for those prestigious awards that all the indie movies flaunt whenever they’re actually released.