Girl Meets World is surprisingly good...compared to other kids shows out now. But theres enough Corey and Topanga in the star (Riley?) to make it somewhat believable that its their kid
Girl Meets World is surprisingly good...compared to other kids shows out now. But theres enough Corey and Topanga in the star (Riley?) to make it somewhat believable that its their kid
This video needs more Bunko and Skinnygirl margaritas.
If a couple of idiotic Bernie staffers accessing her campaign data and her inability to have an efficient bathroom break are both somehow indicative of her nefariousness, I don’t know how news of a second grandchild is supposed to escape that feedback loop.
Yayyyyy! Best wishes to mom-to-be-again Chelsea and family for an uneventful pregnancy and delivery!
Yeah - I thought that whole bit was really a joke about all of the white people who claim to be Native American.
As I heard from somewhere “Never read the comments”. Let’s be real here, internet commenters’s have the potential to be the new heckling without the cover charge to get in.
Yep. When he first pops up everyone in my theater cheered even the men. Han Solo 4EVA
Meanwhile, my mother said she loves him and what a shame it is that “this is what he’ll be remembered for forever". Terrible, just terrible.
Maybe this will finally turn my sister in law against him and there can be peace on earth this Christmas.
I’m surprise people even understood what he was saying. His voice is just. I. I just can’t with him. I don’t see his appeal. My husband loves him. We live in the Metro area of Atlanta and he wanted to go to the taping of Family Feud. I really didn’t want to go, but he really wanted to, so I got tickets for the whole…
Act like a lady, completely fuck up like a man.
How is “a woman afraid of what society thinks eventually overcomes that fear and does what she wants” not an improvement over “a man roofies and rapes a woman who just wants to get home to her family”?
Duck! Incoming! :)
I wouldn’t give a microwave as a gift today, but when they first came out they were fucking expensive! I remember the first one my parents bought. It was huge and ugly and they saved up forever for it.