
Hey, I've got that stuff in my fridge too. I've always been a big fan of whiskey for what ails you.

I wonder if Sega's development of this game made use of this technology created over eight years ago.

@LucasReis: Well, that would be a bit a of a silly situation if they were to make a dedicated MK controller that didn't work for a big chunk of the MK series. Though, I still think the run button is in a really awkward place and I had an easier time playing MK3 on the SNES controller.

One thing that this traditional MK button layout tells me is that it looks as though there will still be a run button. Really WB, we can't just dash like every one else, we still have to full-tilt run?

Now it seems like the only real barrier that has yet to be crossed is developing a power source strong enough and small enough to make this all feasible.

@Relysis: Let's make sure we're all clear about this. You will get, for pre-ordering from a specific retailer, one of the three original ninja in their classic costume with their original signature fatality (Sub-zero = head rip with spine; Scorpion = Toasty!; and Reptile = tongue?). All the characters will still be

This goes in my evidence jar labeled "proof that everyone in the world has been a douche at some point in time or another".

I have a feeling that this is going to lead to another instance very reminiscent of the Transformers: War for Cybertron exclusives deal. So, which character's classic pack is going to be auctioned at sixty to a hundred bucks for the first few weeks only to have them all available for ten bucks a few days later?

@MassTransitAndroid: Sadly, I just realized that every one of the trailers is age-gated because all of the trailers are for games that are rated RP (Rating Pending). And we were so excited for that moment.

Wait a minute, this is age-gated? Arkham City is going to be M-rated?

I wonder if they've thought to give his fatality (fatalities?) any QTE inputs...

@Luke MacDonald: No joke, but I used to watch reruns of this in the morning with my grandma.

@Aradiel: Maybe it's just a simple case of "big boobs = Japanese chubby".

@peteer02: hates geofencing: I remember as a kid just staring into the glass display case that held all of my local department store's stock of Neo-Geo carts. I remember looking at the prices and just not being able to comprehend spending that much money on one game cartridge. I remember watching Nick Arcade

@Flinn: I watched it after your suggestion. Not just the trailer either, the whole one hour and 35 minute feature length film. I still feel that people on both ends are missing a universal point. Those who are ignorant, feel a problem doesn't exist as long as they don't acknowledge it. Those who know, feel as if

I really have to agree with Edmund's sentiment here about PETA; they mean well but their absolutist stance is really nigh unto being like the National Socialists or the Sith.

@hurricanedj: Wait, since when did Wahlberg have any "A"s let along three?

But, look I already had my costume ready and everything. Come on, please?