
Wake up: play Puzzle Quest 2. Girlfriend makes request: play Puzzle Quest 2. Time to go to bed: play Puzzle Quest 2. Repeat ad nauseum.

How is Puzzle Quest 2 not registering on more people's radar? I'm just torn whether I'm getting it on my DSi or XBLA? C'mon, it's not like their making Galactrix again.

I once carded Redman when he tried to use his Amex Black card at the record shop I used to work at. He didn't like that, stormed off, then came back and tossed his ID on my counter. It was him and his credit card. Dang. Now I guess I'll never get a chance to have him do a guest verse on my first big single. Live

I'm a little sad that the cameras aren't any more powerful. 0.3 megapixels is still worse than my crappy cell phone and way worse than most everyone else's perceived crappy phones. Otherwise, my only hurdle will be whether they figure out a way to transfer digital purchases or not.

@ppppp: This is going to sound kind of troll-like, but hear me out: originally on Cybertron they actually Transformed into more generic approximations of the vehicles they would end up as on earth. Bumblebee for instance turned into a hovercar-type ground vehicle, and the jets turned into flying pyramids.

Cheapest game I ever got was a free copy of Peggle my boss brought back from a Gamestop managers conference. Game changed my life. As for purchased, I picked up a used copy of Dark Sector for about five bones.

I wonder which will do better: this game or Ghost Wire. You all remember Ghost Wire ([]), right? Don't forget about that game, because it does have a bloody ghost right behind you!

Great work especially considering that it was a small-budget indie production. You can definitely see that someone who loves the characters and the franchise had a hand in this. I thought it was interesting that this movie and the other one both touched on similar notes. For example, everyone expected to see a

Wait, free you say? I'll just about download anything on my DSi if it's free. If it's free and fun, well then, bonus for me.

@Plainswalker22: That is of course assuming that no one at Blizzard accidentally looks at the finalized code in any way that could be construed as weird or funny. Otherwise it'll end up out July 27th 2015.

@BryanH: I know! Maybe if this turns out they'll finance a bigger one and then we'll get more of the cast in there.

I'm driving a '88 Honda Accord that I inherited from my grandfather. That thing shakes so much while idling and driving that the Pokewalker attached to my car keys gains about a thousand steps when I go for short drives.

@tshack: There was a breast cancer awareness t-shirt that was being sold on my college campus. It read: "Save second base." I still lament not having the cash to buy a few.

My mom loves this show, sucks I won't be there to watch her reaction to the game stuff. She likes "Law and Order: SVU" as well, and they had a episode with a fake "Second Life". Creepy episode but not without some awesome situations like trying to figure out a murder suspect's hideout via his in-game hideout as it's