
My Cajun grandma would make small batches of jambalaya straight in a rice cooker, using chicken stock instead of water, sliced cooked andouille, whatever spice mix we liked, and some chopped sauteed bell peppers and onions. It wasn’t as good as the massive “proper” stovetop stock pot batches, but it also took a

It’s almost like the more he tightens his grip, the more systems will slip through his fingers.

THIS MAN. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM. Seriously him saying he wanted to kill him self when he found out he wasn’t going to be an announcer broke my heart. And as was stated on the original post, a man of this age who has participated in many many inaugurations clearly holds it close to his heart regardless of who is

Still too soon...

Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.

I expect that most thought that normal precedent would be followed. That is, that they wouldn’t be replaced until a replacement is found and that they would be allowed time to process passports/sell belongings/arrange schooling for children/etc.

So, let me he’s gonna appoint a bunch of diplomats with pro-Russian ties/interests?

At least John McCain was capable of showing a shred of decency with regards to his political opponent. Trump’s version was just going back on a batfuck crazy promise to jail his rival.

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

On one occasion he was patrolling inside the perimeter of the Palace walls at 3 a.m. when he spotted a figure in the darkness. Thinking that he had come across an intruder, he shouted: “Who’s that?” To his surprise it was the Queen. “Bloody hell, Your Majesty, I nearly shot you,” he blurted out. Realising that he had

Queen Elizabeth managed to get out of 2016 alive. She’s tough enough that she doesn’t need any help from God.

“That’s quite all right,” HM replied. “Next time I’ll ring through beforehand so you don’t have to shoot me.”

I’m destroyed over this... and also this:

“drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.”

There is a great disturbance in the Force. I have felt it.

The downforce is strong with this one...

Some say he’s really, really fast on a speeder and learned how to shoot by closing one eye and hoping for the best. All we know is, he’s called FN-3243.

Some say that he doesn’t believe in Jedi, and that he once did hit the broad side of a Bantha, but nobody was around to see it. All we know is, he’s called ST-199Y or something like that!