I think we can agree that both the drivers and the Comcast crew were both wrong.
I think we can agree that both the drivers and the Comcast crew were both wrong.
OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.
Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.
Perfectly Uniform Fight For Automobile’s Luxurious Ultimate Monster Prize
I think we should start showing Bernie some love, I mean we should all wish him well and actually care for him. I say this because it’s evident that all of our ill-will and malice is sustaining his life, if we reverse this trend he may actually find rest.
1. This was better than about 70% of the Gymkhanas.
Hillary is screaming at a computer screen right now (or drinking strong bourbon, giving no fucks anymore).
This is a prime example of how his business interests are a threat to national security and international relations.
He SHOULD have been briefed. But reports say he’s been turning down the State Dept. briefings before meeting/talking with foreign leaders.
Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary under GW Bush:
No love for the Austin tower shooter?
There’s a reason there are so many run down or abandoned homes ripe for the flipping.
P.S. I am from central Texas, which means we drove through Waco every time we went to Dallas. The only thing I love about that town is that BEAUTIFUL collection of fast food restaurants directly across the interstate from Baylor. They had everything a hungry driver could ever want.
“And then I told them before the factories come back, I’d be ‘draining the swamp’!!”
“Oh man that’s so good!”
“Stop it, man, you’re killing us!”
So about that 25 year old import law...
Trump picks the wife of the leader of the senate for a cabinet position.
Torchinsky was passed over? This aggression will not stand, man.
Faking your own kidnapping is an idea that requires plenty of cocaine to fuel the journey from inspiration to execution.
Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.