
Modern era of NASCAR began in 1972, when the racing landscape changed considerably. Prior to 1972, the number of races was all over the place — some years there were 48 races, other years there were as many as 62. And what constituted a NASCAR Sprint Cup (then Winston Cup) race changed as well.

Taco Bell is only good off our planet, it seems.

Impressed with their ability to enrich themselves on the backs of others and to exploit a professional hockey player relentlessly, Gary Bettman has offered the Johnsons an expansion franchise.

Primered and ready for a new paint job!

OK, so it was 1990, but I spent the summer living with my father and working in a very posh mountain resort town. He had a lovely '86 911 Targa that he would not let me drive because "I was not on the insurance", so I was stuck with my '77 Rabbit.

I also love that the first corner of the first race gave us this:

Only after watching this video will you realize how painfully sanitized and bland Formula One's race broadcasts are on TV. Camera angles that suck the sense of speed out of the cars, cuts away from the real human action of the sport, high-viewpoint pans of the leading car without any kind of tension.

Who are secretly shapeshifted Skrulls...

Whom were infested by Goa'uld...

Trick question! They both were infiltrated by Cylons......

Now playing

Brian Cox is still the best Lecter. Not a romantic antihero or a misunderstood trauma victim, but a cold, calculating monster who sees other humans as, at best, means to (not very nice) ends.

Congrats for being "that guy".

A great Tony Southgate design for Tom Walkinshaw. Tony did the Shadow DN4 Can Am car as well. Davey Jones, Jan Lammers and Andy Wallace drove for the team. I have all these races recorded on VHS. I should dig them out and watch again for fun. Oh, and I love you Raphael for doing these articles!

And he does a nice donut to pivot courteously out of the way of the drivers behind him. So he's out driving a vehicle completely overpowered and otherwise unsuitable for the climate he's in but a) is using his mirrors and b) understands that he's a mobile chicane and is getting of the way like a person with common