
Your coverage of this fiasco has been superb. Other outlets have not looked at this conflict from a tactical perspective, yet they keep talking about Putin's realist mentality. If he is an offensive realist, then any move Russia takes is going to be a very calculated capabilities judgement. Keep up the great work!

They gonna offer soda cookies?

Hee heh heh... Knob...

How to win the Daytona 500

How to win the Daytona 500

Fucking Pacer.

Subaru, I'ma let you finish, but Mercedes had the best All Wheel Drive Snow ad of ALL TIME

"I want states' rights but I also want gay marriage federally banned!"

My personal head canon: Crane was actually doing what he was told and sitting in the car, but got bored, so started pushing buttons to see what happened. He hit the On-Star button and the connection opened up with 'What can we do for you?' Being him, he probably replied in some witty way that led into a conversation

Now playing

Richard Harrow's death scene should have been one of the top moments. Rarely does such a character get such a beautiful send off like he did. It was one of the most moving scenes I have ever seen on TV.

Tom Baker returns to Doctor Who in television form for the first time since 1981, teasing the fact that the Doctor may eventually retire, finding a way to return to his fourth incarnation and become a museum curator.


My vote 2013 Best Television Moments is recap of Television that is better than the show itself.

Can't believe this isn't here yet. BEST RALLY CAR EVAR!!

I understand it was just a stunt for Top Gear, but I really like this pic so here I go.

Welcome to Formula 1, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter!

This just in: Midway through each race one driver will be called to the pits where a man in a lab coat will had him an envelope that contains . . . a challenge.

How many months away is April 1?

Paul Walker dies but Eddie Griffin walks away from wrecking an Enzo?? F you, universe.