
You forgot to turn the hand brake off, sweety!

Okay, inspired by this io9 post, I actually went to Wookiepedia and read the summary. His biography ends with the following. COME ON:

Wedge Antilles for being the only completely tertiary character from the movies to survive two Death Stars, three movies, and 20 years of insane Expanded Universe books. Didn't he become an admiral by the end or something?

We've come full circle. The Aston copying a Mustang that's now copying an Aston.

The pelican was in on the plot, probably as its wingman

She is becoming my favorite. Jessica Lange is becoming mediocre to me. Cathy Bates chews her scenery too hard- it can be done, she's doing it.

It helps when you don't need to maintain characters or storylines for more than a single season. They can blow everything up and start fresh next year.

Southwest tried but didn't fair so well

That's it. I'm starting a new world. You are all invited if you like. I will be adding rules from time to time, but the first one is simple, and irrevocable:

Don't worry, she's playing cars with Connor right now. RIP.

When Major Reynolds thought about it later it was the huge rubber ducky rather than the elephant sized child that really gave him pause. Then he realized it wasn’t a child but a grown man. A grown man the size of an elephant. A grown man that bathed with a rubber ducky. That tremendous rubber ducky gave the pudgy

To be honest, most people did not know her name before her injury and crash as she was not some super star. The inspiration part of the story is actually her recovery and wanting to jump right back in and help promote motorsport safety even if she could have walked away. Lastly, despite her moneyed background she did

Is Ferrari in NASCAR now?

No longer with us (unfortunately), but...

It's a sin to have music in that video. The F1's V12 is music enough.

Whoever thought it would be good to play a music bed over this video instead of actual engine sounds needs to have his ass kicked repeated by men who kick things professionally.

Best. "Star in a Reasonably Priced Car".Ever.