
I know I would. I've taken long detours that were a more pleasurable drive to avoid having to drive through the DFW traffic.

Except the last episode of Newhart, which was priceless!

I think we all know the man to pilot it, too. Well, all who've seen Farscape, that is.

"This is farscape 1 all systems go!"

Patina is earned:

I had others, but I've decided this blog should remain rated G (not really).

Institute the "You break it, you bought it" and charge the kid(s) with the value of the legos, $25,000, divided between them if more than 1 is to blame. If they are under 18, charge their parents.

Saw this yesterday. This was an absolutely great video. It shows that our passion is not necessarily about driving a fast, loud, or harsh car through mountain roads at mach 9, but that it is mostly about just driving a car you love and connect to.

No. Just no. I feel like an asshole for spelling MINI in all caps. It looks like terrible marketing bullshit, because it is, and I refuse to buy into it. Grammar takes precedence here, my friend.

So current 1-Series owners, take care of your cars. The future track rats who will buy them at 1/4 their original value will thank you for it.

The car pictured is actually a Nissan GT-Retro, the 2133 model. Sales of Japanese autonomobiles slowed around 2120, when the Toyota Empire's Prius XXVII started suffering spontaneous fires from the epidemic of unintended nuclear acceleration. In an effort to win back customers, many of the Japanese manufacturers

And just like that, Bernie Ecclestone is no longer the only diminuitive, wrinkled character in F1.