
Curious as to why the driver's suits are Alpinestar when Adidas has their own line. Otherwise, like the graphics a lot.

Dallas' DFW and Love Field are two of the best airports in the country. DFW was built to consolidate air travel in the region and to be the biggest, most impressive as heck airport at the time. It's still huge, and they do a reasonable job of getting you from parking to gate quickly. TSA's agents there seem to be

When Wendell Scott won his race, he was first disqualified and then later given the trophy and purse after everyone had left. Saying we've made progress is an understatement. Saying we still have a ways to go is too.

The Body isn't scary, but it will break you. A death that isn't supernatural, that Buffy can't take revenge on someone for, that Anya can't comprehend because to her dying of an illness is not realistic . . . It kills me to watch it.

Midnight is the only modern Who story that truly scares me. You never do see the real horror, but you see the effects of it through the characters trapped in the bus. That you could consider that the Doctor could be in real danger makes it a strong choice. Watching the end of the episode, when the passengers realize

Emilia got her wish, thanks to a lot of really good people who will all remember her. So will the rest of us. Godspeed, little one.

When someone starts with "No disrespect" you know they're about to disrespect someone. If you have to say this, then you ought not say anything.

Not that odd. She suffered massive head trauma with a foreign object penetrating the brain. Her recovery was nothing short of amazing. But even with our knowledge of head injury, with our most advanced diagnostic equipment, we still don't know as much about the brain as we should. It sounds like a small part of her

You're thinking about the '66 Belgian GP, where Stewart went off the road in the pouring rain. It was Graham Hill and Bob Bondurant who rescued him. It would have been impossible for Lauda to have been involved saving Stewart's life-he wasn't racing F1 in '66. And Stewart was retired at the end of '73; Lauda's

The Chase is a system made for exploitation. And NASCAR has admitted it has no idea how to prevent this from happening in the future. The problem with the old system was that a driver might win the championship early, or you might have a champion who won only one race. Well, that's how racing works.

Saw the episode as well, and yes, the How It's Made writers need some lessons on basic automobile components, badly.

I still want the F1. Badly.

I get bottles from The Container Store; lots of different sizes and shapes, and they tend to seal better than the drugstore ones.

The diamonds were put on the cars by a jewelry sponsor for Monaco. Which was fine, until one of the drivers pranged the nose on a guardrail, causing said diamond to pop out. Amazingly, it was never recovered...

The diamonds were put on the cars by a jewelry sponsor for Monaco. Which was fine, until one of the drivers pranged the nose on a guardrail, causing said diamond to pop out. Amazingly, it was never recovered...

Drop a Morris Marina onto the Aventador.

First, I'd have been more tempted to have dropped a few eggs down the engine compartment. Second, the driver needs to learn how to park.

If you seriously think Dario threw the race when he had a chance to be a four-time winner you need some serious meds...

Drive it like my daily driver. Go to work, the grocery, run errands. Park it like I'd park my Civic-where there's a spot. Park it where I can find a spot, and if I get a dent, well...