
So is comparing job creation to indentured servitude.

And about 25% of the population doesn’t have an education above highschool. That’s about 87,500,000 people for those without an education. Where's their check? 

So are you telling me I’ll get debt forgiveness for the trade school I didn’t go to? Sweet.

Sorry you got your break getting that education. You bought a future, not a car or some other thing that looses value. If you choose wrong, I’m sorry but that’s your fuck up.

So if I understand your comment correctly. People made bad financial decisions, and regret it now. But instead of changing the structure of the loans so that people can clain them in bankruptcy court. Just cut them a check and not fix what’s broken.

No it's an argument you don't have a rebuttal for. Poor and lower middle class people are being taken advantage of. And people just don't care.

There's a lot of us also. 

The trains exist in the world somewhere. I just don't understand why they invested in trains, but not the tracks the trains run on. A Lamborghini would be great, but not if the country is filled with dirt roads. 

Isn't going to college on loans indentured servitude? You're giving up what 8-30 years of your life to pay those things back.

And how about the people working without loans or an education? Just fuck us, we get to foot the bill either through taxes or lower wages? 

No apparently is just fuck me and people like me.

I am the working class. Forgiving one debt to a privileged class, but not a debt to an exploited class, is pretty shady and biased. 

Hmm. I’m hearing jobs to build rail lines. Maybe that’s the final solution to people that can’t seem to be able to pay off student loans, despite the privilege of going to college.

Safety violations. It also applies to rollercoasters and improper contact application.

Yeah basically. How did that giant stinky train derailment happen again in Ohio. Over worked under staffed employees. Mmm not really. Unfair working conditions and no sick time. Ehhhh try again.

Then I got some bad news about the founders of Toyota for you. And it doesn’t involve mean tweets, it involves POW camps and slave labor.

I um, I think I'm going to turn off my phone now. This is about enough for one day.

Oh my the stories I can tell you about fake parts and the calamities they cause. China gets a (deservedly most times) bad rap for making garbage. But they do make some good stuff. The problem is profits trump the QC department every time.

So is this another half hearted administration that mass electrification isn’t in the near future?

A bicycle? A bicycle?? Have you seen the, ehh, girth of most Altima chicks. You ain’t riding a bike to the community college to take a few classes (just trying to get my educational shit together) and then to a few shifts at Sephora.