
Awwwe. That's cute 

I can't say but it rhymes with plaque dids. 

Hmm it's weird day when I have to explain to people that industrial "accidents" happen. Do I need to convince you of train derailments as well? 

I wish you could put gifts on shirts. That thing right there is best definition of carbon and self righteous I can think of. 

Most places say they train people. Any recycling plant I’ve worked at has been an unsafe dump. But maybe batteries will be different (they won’t be when a few hundred of these plants open up and completion increases)

I'm guessing you are either a bot or a Chinese national that was attracted by the mention of China in my reply. 

And my original statement still stands. I can't wait till an untrained person feeds a battery down the shredder. 

No I using my boatload of experience working in manufacturing.

Riiiiigh. That’s why there’s mandates to use them. The convenience and low prices are driving new buyers away.

And what might happen if the special fluid is empty, and someone has bypassed the warning alarm.

People won’t buy things till they are cheaper and more convenient to use. There, just wrote every electric vehicle adoption article for the next few years.

Oh God no. No, no, no. It's a beautiful example and all (love that carpet color) but if this had $20,000 in the trunk it wouldn't be worth the asking price. 

I'm guessing people that have access to this online auction also have access to KBB and Autotrader. 

Can’t wait for this to become more common. Also can’t wait for the day a person with one day of experience feeds a complete battery without conditioning into that giant shredder.

I was about to give this a begrudgingly NP just because it’s a pretty good job. But a non roller 302? Where do you even get those from anymore? How many 1970s Ford vans haven't melter into the ground.

Yeah we had a Jetta (with a manual) a few years ago after that great sell off, and then year of regret because of supply shortages. That happened during and after COVID.

Ohhhh I know. People at my work have pictures of T&A and classic muscle cars.

Yeah. If only rental companies bought VWs, their numbers may have been higher. 

That's my point. I hate to generalize (actually I don't) but this dude looked like the college boyfriend you dump for Reese Witherspoon because she's more masculine. 

That's what I'm going for.