
"Becca was sorely missed…"

Her Next Day video is on and yes, she knows he voted for her and is not thrilled about it. She has no regrets other than trusting him so completely, she said.

Why would she vote for him when he helped get her kicked off? He could have given her his idol to save her. People on this show behave so, so strangely.

Right after it ended I thought it felt like a perfectly satisfying series finale, if it needed to be. Yes, there are loose ends, like Jack's arrest and David Clark but ultimately, who cares? I could be satisfied believing Conrad is dead and Victoria is locked away indefinitely and Daniel eventually gets mauled by

Such as?

That was the first episode I ever saw. :-/

This comment seems to echo Cuse and Lindeloff's dismissive attitude toward fans who criticize the show. Fans didn't ask for time travel. Fans didn't ask for silly glowlight island corks. Fans wanted to know WHAT WAS IN THE HATCH.

But Claire's baby wasn't important.

Daniel was responsible for Sara's injuries, though, and his parents made sure she got fuck-all as a settlement. And now Sara is not only BACK with Daniel, but staying with him after he's married? It seems pretty reasonable that Sara's mom would be furious at such a lack of judgement and perhaps even disgusted enough

Aidan in a wife beater, though…

I can't really explain it. Kalinda is also tough and humorless but I like her. Alicia just bugs me/bores me.

I guess we're supposed to root for Alicia and Cary (?), but Alicia keeps becoming less and less likable. She's always been humorless and uptight, but now the stress is making her snippier than usual, and not in a fun David Lee kind of way. Maybe this is Breaking Bad, First Lady Edition.

I'm a little blown away that people find Alicia likable enough to defend her honor against the opinions of strangers on the Internet…

None of that is charming. She's tough and smart. She's always tough and smart. I don't know what you find fun about her. She's never fun, she's never light, she's rarely pleasant. Maybe she's a little happier when she's drinking. She's smiled maybe thrice in her life, and two of those moments were shown in Will's

Peter is truly a petty, petty man. I hope he goes down in spectacular fashion.
If Alicia had ever shown one iota of charm or personality during the run of this show, I'd be better positioned to root for her. But she hasn't, so I can't. The Carys have certainly never earned my affections.

I'm just glad Ashley has stayed gone.

Are you saying they are not paying homage to Dallas?

The promo for the next episode asked us WHO TRIED TO KILL CONRAD?
And Daniel's temporary home away from Emily? The Southfork Inn.

I think so. I looked her up on IMDB and it's not listed as one of her credits yet.

Okay, thanks.