
Nyjer Morgan, Metta World Peace, and Jim Schwartz.

Bastion had a better soundtrack than Portal 2, Infamous 2, LBP2, and....really each of the ones that have been written about this year?

You DO know that she has her own website right? Ones where she posts videos of herself speaking? Kind of hard to avoid it when that's what your main occupation is.

Someone who is more well known than you.

You know Lisa puts herself in the article picture because she's not a regular columnist right?

That's pretty fucking impressive, yo. Logging on Xbox Live under two accounts and using the full power of your vocal chords to create two, completely different pitch tones that speak independently? I wish I had that talent. I can only burp for six seconds.

I love how the guy in the orange is a complete bitch. First he can't fight his own fights, then he sits in the back seat and runs his mouth.

It's only 9.99 on Steam. Such a fun game. It's really silly but it has one of the best final "choice endings" ever. Hilarious game.

I saw that cleavage at the top and immediately knew it was The Bard's Tale. Oh man that game is fun. Probably one of, if not, the funniest games I've played in my life.

Martz and Hanie are my complimentary toilet seats for today.

I'm taking a drink every time the word "brother" is mentioned.

Your insinuations that a fighting game needs to have a story to be enthralling is awful.

Well fucking said, my man. Play what you enjoy.

So...Activision selling a successful (both commercially and critically) series that makes insane amounts of money as opposed to other companies who have not is a reason to hate them? A war game that has soldiers kill OTHER soldiers?

Errrrr. Not with that awful haircut on the actor. Seriously that has to be the worst thing I've seen in so long.

Well 26.5 million people do. This comment is now long enough to reply to.


That was what I was going to reply with.

I remember watching the World Cup and seeing a single pod that had all of their teams tie with no way of breaking that tie. Pretty awful.

It's just incredibly clear that you're spouting a bunch of stuff you read from some blog somewhere because you hate the sport and it gives you "more" of a reason to hate it.