Chewbacca Abercrombie

Good to know they work well. I'm kind of worried about getting a smaller one. I'm sure it would be fine, most of the sketches in my sketchbook are less than a quarter of the page, but every once in awhile I draw things larger than that. Would be nice to have a larger surface to work with, I just wish that extra few

Yamaoka is brilliant. I have most of the Silent Hill soundtracks in my iTunes and I love 'em. I think I may need to track down Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw OST's as well.

So I've been thinking about getting a drawing tablet and it was suggested to me that I ask about them here. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't know much about them, but what little I researched says larger ones can be quite pricey. I was thinking of getting one about the size of my sketchbook, 9x12, and Wacom

I have no idea if this actually works, but a YouTube comment I saw said you run past him at first, never try to attack him, kill the boss of the area and then run back to him without killing anything on the way back and he'll talk to you. It seems like one of those tips you'd get back in the day that is just bullshit,

Fashion Souls is the only way to play. There's been many times I've found armor that is far better than what I have equipped, but I reply, "I'm sorry, but my character looks absolutely ridiculous and that's the way I like it," and continue on with my shitty set of random pieces of armor from different sets purely

I should listen to more Sufjan. They are night zombies! They are neighbors! They have come back from the dead! Ahhh!… still one of the best song titles ever. The song is great as well.

It's always interesting reading people's comments about things like this in From games. When I went back to the Grand Cathedral it was just Eileen in there by herself and she immediately attacked me. I clearly missed out on quite a bit of story there, as I always do in these games.

Have you done the hunter on the clock tower's thing correctly yet? I hear he has some interesting things to say if you get up there and talk to him, but I've already killed him so I'm afraid I missed out. His dying words were a bit ominous though. Made me wonder for a minute. I'm really curious to find out what more

Progress will be made in Bloodborne. Hopefully. Fighting some big whiny baby, but ran out of blood vials so I've just been running around other areas looking for shit I may have missed while my blood vial stock slowly replenishes. Even leveled up as I am, I still hate Forbidden Woods. Gorgon Lightfoot summoning clumps

I'll be playing Bloodborne. Making my way through Yahar'gul now and the shamans are the worst. Love the game so far.

Oh, I loved the first movie. I can see people's problems with it, but I don't take the shit too seriously, so if they messed up the lore or threw in a character that didn't belong like Pyramid Head, I just let it slide. It doesn't bother me much. I think one thing the first movie had going for it was that Roger Avary,

I'm not really sure why all the Silent Hill games other than 1, 2 and 3 seem to be despised by so many people in one way or another. I'm a huge Silent Hill fan and have loved everything having to do with the series except for the second movie. Everything other than about ten minutes of that movie is just a dog's

That's the plan. I've actually thought a few times on my way through the game that I probably should have started with the ultraviolent run. It'll definitely be a very different game. I can't wait.

There's one game I can think of where fast moving melee enemies are fun, Serious Sam. That's only if you're doing it right and killing them all before they get up on you though, so I guess your point is still a good one.

I had no idea anything was even going on with that. Just looked it up and now I'm worried about it as well. That has definitely been my most anticipated game for awhile now. They'd better not just stop development completely or I'm going to be one salty wookie.

I stopped playing Charlie Murder for awhile because I couldn't kill the final boss. Came back to it a few days ago and got him on my first try. Started a chaos run now, it's pretty much NG+, but it's like ten times harder than the first time through. I've made no progress at all so far.

My favorite song from Charlie Murder, Mnemonic Atomic. it's the first of many original in game song performances and it's also a rhythm mini game. Charlie Murder OST: Mnemonic Atomic:

This weekend I'll be playing Deadly Premonition. I think I'm almost halfway through it and I love it so far. It's a little goofy, but I think that helps the scary bits come across as more creepy than they would without all the silly side missions, odd dialogue and occasionally super upbeat music. It's also the

I stopped playing because it was irritating me that I could never play a raid. If y'all get something going I'd be down for it.

I've never finished it, but I'm about halfway through it right now, which is further than I've ever gotten in it before. It's getting pretty tricky though. Might take awhile to make my way through the rest of it.