Chewbacca Abercrombie

I named my starting planet Chewcifer's Garbage Wonderland because it was a shit hole. The next one had tentacles everywhere so I named it R'lyeh. Some things I name to fit, some are just random.

I've got a Kakuro game on my phone I enjoy a lot when I need something to kill a few minutes with. I don't get bored with it like sudoku and I don't get as stuck for solutions as I do with some crosswords. It's surprising how challenging a puzzle based on simple math can be when you kick it up to the harder

I watch some Game Grumps and Super Best Friends. Some of Voidburger's earlier Silent Hill playthroughs were pretty good. Streamers I watch pretty often are the_happy_hob, cheesewizstreams and TigerWriter.

I kinda like Plastic so far. She's just a big nerd doing nerd shit. I've largely been ignoring dialogue and mission text though, which is unlike how I usually play games. A few hours into the game I honestly couldn't care less about the people or the world, but it sure is pretty and fun to play.

I'm glad Fran Bow was part of one of those so more people might try it out. It's such a great adventure game. It manages to be genuinely creepy and also has a lot of heart with the relationship between Fran and her cat. It also managed to work it's way into being one of my favorite stories in that fantasy style

My dude is going to be dressed as a pimp for the remainder of the game. Some pyromancer shirt, Pharis' hat, and some skirt since there aren't bell bottoms. If I had the cane weapon from Bloodborne, I'd be set, but I like to imagine this while journey is to get his cane back.

Before Dark Souls 3 came out I did a no shield/no magic/no summons run of Dark Souls 2, which was my first Souls run without a shield or pyromancy. It was a lot easier than I was expecting. That combined with having played Bloodborne got me ready for Dark Souls 3. I used a shield up to the tutorial boss and then got

Don't feel too bad about it. I don't have a day scheduled off until sometime in the middle of next week, so until then I have to get by with the one our two hours a night I can squeeze in before sleep. I'm beginning to think I should have called in sick today.

I'm getting close to done with my Dark Souls 2 no shield run. I also haven't used any magic or summons. I finished the Sunken King DLC the other day and have been making my way through the Old Iron King DLC now. Things are going a little slower in the DLC's because I've never played through them before, but I've still

Thanks for reminding me about Allison Road. I completely forgot about that game even though I was super interested in it when I first heard about it.

I'm still playing what I was last weekend, but I'm much further along.

After finally getting a release date a couple weeks ago, Salt and Sanctuary came out a couple days ago! Been playing that and loving it so far. It's a 2-D action RPG that is very, very much inspired by Dark Souls and Castlevania. Much like I have been many times before in Souls game, I seem to be stuck at a boss until

I just picked up all four Oddworld games on Steam for like four bucks, so I'll finally get a chance to play Stranger's Wrath now. I'm pretty excited about that. Also, I'll finally get to play Munch's Oddysee again without the issues it has trying to play it on 360, so that's good.

I've still never done Vault of Glass in Destiny. Couldn't get a group together. Any time I tried with random people they ended up wanting to do something else by the time they had a full team. I think I uninstalled the game because it got boring doing the same things over and over and not actually being able to do the

I really like Teslagrad, but I think I'm stuck. There's a boss, that I feel is probably very late in the game considering his location, that I just can't seem to defeat. I'll be pretty disappointed if I have to give up on it as far into it as I am.

Never heard of Layers of Fear, but it looks pretty damn cool.

Alison Road? The one I (hopefully wrongly) assume is about the ghost of the dude from Gin Blossoms?

I'm gonna be playing more of the Cat Lady. It's a weird and twisted, fucked up adventure game. I really like it so far.

I've pretty much been just using one handed swords, but I think my favorite one so far was some kinda ice sword because it's the one I figured out some of the moveset for. I would also use the soul steal spell a lot more if I had any idea how it worked. If I try what it shows is how to do it, it usually fails, but if

I'm gonna try to finish up Symphony of the Night. Just got to the inverted castle bit last night.