Chewbacca Abercrombie

Yeah. I'm not expecting to get a day off in the next couple weeks unless I get extremely lucky. I've already been called in to work on my day off once earlier this week. I don't really mind though. My last check was nice and this next one should hopefully be even better.

I've been seriously considering buying that game. I figure with the first person mode it'll be like an entirely new game and that should add to the replay. Good to know there's a Gameological crew for it already.

I'll be playing work. Lame. When I get time though I've been playing Legend of Zelda's second quest lately. I played through the original game first and remembered where everything was for the most part. Second quest is taking a lot longer though since everything's hidden better and I have never found half of it so

I love Estradasphere's Mario 2 song. Mario 2 may possibly be my favorite video game soundtrack. The songs are crazy earworms.

I always loved the Hippy option in Serious Sam that turns the blood splatter into flowers. They could have just had an option to turn blood off, but the fact that they went out of their way to do something comical with it instead is something I can appreciate.

I stand corrected then. Thank you. I guess I haven't attempted to read any Greek literature. I probably should.

That's a good question. The first version of Inferno I read was an amazing translation with great footnotes explaining who all the historical figures were and what they had done in life. I wish I could remember who it was done by. I'm pretty sure the versions of Purgatorio and Paradiso I read were translated by

No idea. Haven't read Oedipus at Colunus. Actually I think the only Greek literature I've tried to read is the Aeneid and I didn't get very far. When it comes to Greek writing I've really only read philosophy stuff.

As someone who's read the entire Divine Comedy I agree that they do get progressively more boring from book to book, so much so that I'm pretty sure it was a conscious effort by the author.

Catherine. It's a mix of chutes and ladders, Jenga and 13 Dead End Drive. It sells on it's concept alone as it takes far too much time to set up and barely ever functions properly. The pieces are eventually requisitioned by G.I. Joe and Ninja Turtles action figures for use in building a sweet fort.

I think a big part of it is avoiding getting hit. That sounds stupid, but what I mean is that sometimes instead of trying to make sure my shots connect I'll just fire randomly while avoiding all the nonsense that's trying to kill me. I saw someone say on here before that it's better to take a long time in a room and

Yeah, it helps with the shop too. I think I've donated over 200 coins now and I've gotten two or three shop upgrades from that, so now there are more items available at shops and more likely to be something I can use. The problem now is I usually don't have enough money to buy the things I want in the shop. It's hard

I think it's interesting to see cartoon looking games nowadays simply because they can make them look like real cartoons and it's pretty cool. When they pixelate it, it just looks "retro" or whatever and I don't find it as visually pleasing as something that resembles hand drawn animation. I get aping the limitations

Is there any benefit to playing on hard mode? Like risk/reward kinda thing? I might try it out if there's more of a chance of getting good items or something, but if not I think I need to stick with normal for awhile longer. I'm still pretty bad at the game.

I haven't finished Metro: Last Light yet, but so far it's pretty cool. I loved Metro 2033. They do some interesting things with level variety. You have the levels where you're fighting people and you can go stealth or just Rambo through it, the outdoor ones where you have to keep your gas mask on adding some tension

I just got to Mom's Heart for the first time, almost beat it too, and I agree the bullet hell was pretty cool. I have no idea how it compares to the original though, I never got that far.

I've put a ton of time into Spelunky and have still got nowhere near the end of it. I'm terrible at it. Also I'm slightly obsessed with trying to get onto the spaceship in the ice levels instead of progressing the game normally which often leads to my quick death. It takes some practice for sure. I remember first

There are a few things that carry over… kind of. You unlock new items by doing certain things, so the next time you play you'll have a chance of finding those new items. Also there's a donation kind of machine in the shops that you can put money into and every so often it'll unlock new things. The money you have

I always hate the two gun system in games. My go-to guns are sniper rifle and pistol/revolver, but in some games that makes things extremely difficult at times. Having an extra slot for a more close range friendly weapon like a shotgun or even a machine gun would make a world of difference. I like how in Last of Us

I'm guessing the final final boss is the one I haven't reached yet. I got within probably a room or two of it last night, but the rooms leading up to it were a crazy boss rush and I ran into one that I'm bad against already, but this time the floor was 75% liquid severely crippling my ability to dodge anything. I'll