Chewbacca Abercrombie

Some of the new enemies definitely have it in for me. There's one, can't remember it's name, that is a floating head type but it's just utter chaos, throwing out tons of little enemies and a giant red blast of evilness if you walk below it. I'm also shit at fighting the shit enemies that rush across the screen super

Taken out of context that third paragraph is some grade-A rantings of a lunatic. I should really try Don't Starve one of these days. It sounds interesting.

I'd say under 20 hours is pretty definite. Unless you go hardcore and disable the regeneration chamber things that act as checkpoints. If you do that just remember to save frequently though and you could still probably finish it in under 20.

I'm gonna be playing Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I'm terrible at it, but I love it so it's ok. I only had about six hours put into the original version so I don't think I really have the problems with it that Teti talks about. I noticed the pixelation right off and didn't like it as much as the original flash stuff,

I always grouped them in with System of a Down as some kinda freak metal. I never once thought they were part of the nu-metal thing.

I prefer Fallout 3 to New Vegas. I just had a lot more fun with it and liked a lot more about it. I did play an unpatched glitchy New Vegas though, so when I go back and play it again eventually maybe it'll be better than I remember.

I was feeling a little burnt out on gaming for a minute there, couldn't bring myself to play Last of Us or Evil Within even though I like them both quite a bit so far. I agree with Unexpected Dave about playing along with the Gameological Revue Club on Steam though. It got me to start playing Dead Space and I've been

Costumes like that are fun just so you get to say that's your costume. I went as color blind Tyler Durden one year. I had close that resembled the ones from the movie, but they were all the wrong colors. I'm incredibly lazy is what I'm trying to say.

Well, I've worked as a federal employee for the majority of the last ten years, so I think I might have that expression mastered. I was just gonna get a labcoat and a dead cat… or maybe just a stuffed animal. I want the glowing green syringe too, but I have no idea how to simulate that and my lab work on a reanimating

I was gonna go as Herbert West, but I have to work tomorrow, so not sure I'll end up going out tonight. Lame.

Little ditty 'bout Zach and Diane?

It sounds like you're much better at the game than I am. If I hadn't had to try any parts more than two or three times I don't think I'd get why people think it's a bad game, but I'm not nearly the point of thinking it's bad yet. I'm at the point right now that I think it's interesting with a couple bad

Nice. That's my go to weapon combo for the first two Borderlands games, revolver and sniper rifle. I'm putting off buying this game until my buddy and I finish off Borderlands 2 though. Sadly, I have no idea when that will be though.

What difficulty are you playing on? Also, have you been dying a ridiculous amount? I've been liking the game so far, I'm only about two hours in, but at this point I kind of get why people might hate it as much as some seem to. I'm still liking the game at this point and am intending to see it all the way through, but

If you knew what you were doing you could probably finish the first chapter in like five minutes, but it took me like 45 minutes, so I can totally understand all the complaints about the tediousness. I don't know though, for me it wasn't enough to push me away and I've still kind of liked it for some reason. Not sure

I'm in the minority here, but I really liked Silent Hill: Homecoming and to a lesser extent Silent Hill: Downpour.

I don't think death necessarily kills immersion, and I'm not sure you're even saying that or that you're saying that seems to be the state of mind of people making games these days, but I do think the amount of deaths I've been getting in the Evil Within so far have been pretty immersion breaking.

This is the same argument I make of why Shaun of the Dead is so much more effective as a horror movie than most zombie movies. They establish the characters enough where you genuinely like them and it makes the bits where they're bitten or killed much more powerful than your average zombie movie where it seems like

I'm not even sure making it tedious makes it bad. I'm enjoying it to an extent so far. It's a bit of a puzzle to figure out how to get past every little bit and a game like that has a certain attraction for me, but that being said I'm not very far in yet so maybe it'll wear on me eventually. So far, I haven't really

I don't know if I agree about the second chapter teaching you stealth screwing you in the third chapter, but I've only played the first two chapters so far so maybe the third chapter just makes it seem like stealthing your way past everyone is a good idea. I finished the second chapter using stealth, but still killing