Chewbacca Abercrombie

The Last of Us is one of the handful of Ps4 games I have. I'm not sure how far I'm into it yet, seems pretty far, but some heavy shit just happened last time I played and I felt like I needed a little break from it before I went back to finish.

Return of the Living Dead is one of my favorite movies. I should really watch that, maybe today. I loved Dead Rising, but after going through all that crap to get to the fist fight at the very end and then finally beating that part then having that Xbox stolen, I've never been able to get the enthusiasm to go through

I've had the thumbs sliding off the sticks problem as well. It's still a really nice controller for Playstation though. First I've used since Ps2 and those ones hurt my hands. I'd put the Dualshock 4 up there with the 360 controller, but the battery life is terrible in comparison and the charger cord that comes with

The first time I ever got married in Skyrim the wife disappeared never to be seen or heard from again immediately after the wedding. That was kind of interesting.

I heard somewhere that a lot of developers design games on hard difficulty and then adjust things for easier difficulties. That and wanting the game to last as long as I can (within reason) is usually my reason for starting everything on the hardest available difficulty.

I hate blacking out. I'm always worried I'm going to wake up 3,000 miles away from home with no pants and rumors that I've started some sort of fight club. Usually I just make an ass out of myself in some slightly comical way that's easy to shrug off though.

Wasatch is pretty good, they have a raspberry wheat I'm pretty fond of. Living in Utah the local beers are really the only way to go here. They're allowed more alcohol content when they're local (still probably less than anything brewed out of Utah though). Everything else we get is just a watered down version of what

I'm in the same boat. I hear the raid is the best, most interesting part of the game, but the way they've designed it I'm not sure I'll ever even play it. If I do ever play it I'm imagining it will be with a bunch of strangers who have already played through it x amount of times and it'll bleed a lot of the novelty

I've always subscribed to the Johnny Cash method of a beer for breakfast and one more for dessert is probably alright, as long as you're not a surgeon or a school bus driver or anything like that.

I drink local beers mostly if I'm drinking stuff like that. Had Uinta brewery the other day and they're pretty good at not getting too sweet with their beers. I used to like Jack's Pumpkin Spice quite a bit for a sweeter one, but haven't seen it around here for a few years.

In Condemned remember to use your taser if you have it at the point your at, can't remember when you get it. It helps so much, especially against enemies with guns.

I think I only played Undead Nightmare for an hour or two, but a lot of that time was spent trying to kill a bat with a tomahawk and getting really frustrated that I kept screwing up the Dead Eye thing somehow and missed the bat every damn time. I should really go back and just finish the story… then I'll tomahawk a

Ah yes, this is my favorite time of year for beer because of pumpkin ale. I downed a few of them myself last night and felt like shit when I woke up today. Still wish I had some more of them.

I could never get into the Borderlands games by myself. I'm not really sure why. I love playing through them co-op though. I'm not really sure what it changes, but it makes it ten times more enjoyable to me working together with someone and trading loot then just plowing through it on my own.

My PC sucks, so I go for console usually. Now that I have a Ps4 I'll probably choose games for that over the 360 solely to increase my library. I've got over 160 games for 360 and only five for Ps4, two of which I had already for 360. I definitely need more Playstation games.

My wife liked to watch me play horror games and couldn't watch Dead Space. Her reasoning was that she was always seconds away from screaming and she didn't want to be that scared from a game. You get used to the scares eventually so it's not as constant, but it still manages to be pretty scary right up to the end. The

I think I got about halfway through Mirror of Fate and it was pretty fun. I really need to go back and finish it sometime. The only reason I put it down I think was that I got Saints Row 3 and 4 and they took all my attention for awhile because I loved them so much.

From what I heard they were working on a sequel and stopped halfway through with the reasoning that "no one would probably be interested in it". This made me very sad as Bulletstorm was one of my favorite FPS's I've played in a very long time.

I have a laptop as well and it's great to hook up to a TV for movies, but since I need the screen completely open to use the keyboard, the laptop screen usually distracts from playing games on a TV. Now if I had a separate keyboard that I could hook into the laptop to use away from the thing I might be in business for

You bring up a good point with Dead Space. Let's Plays can be great for horror games. I love playing horror games, but I've had at least three different friends ask me to play horror games for them because they wanted to see the story but were too scared to play them themselves.