Chewbacca Abercrombie

A friend and I ran through Army of Two and 40th Day on the hardest difficulty on co-op and they're really great games if you want something tactical. There was a constant need for communication and planning strategies to keep progressing. I don't think I've ever played another game quite like it in that respect.

I loved Lords of Shadow and would definitely recommend it as well, even liked the the sequel quite a lot. It's one of the few beat 'em up type games I actually enjoyed learning and utilizing all the combos.

Quite a few great games there in my opinion. The Darkness was great for many reasons and the sequel was a fun and brutally violent shooter. LA Noire had a pretty great story. Vanquish is fun as hell and fast paced. Catherine is pretty difficult, but I love everything about it.

I'm still not that far into Guerrilla, but knocking down huge buildings with a sledge hammer by strategically targeting all but a few load bearing points and then knocking one or two of those out and just watching the building topple over never stops being fun.

Seeing this on here makes me want to go back and play it. I played the hell outta the first one, finishing it on the hardest difficulty, but I only ever got about an hour into the second. I may have to pick it up while I still can.

I agree with this completely. They're both good enough games that I've played through them each multiple times. Really wish they'd kept the franchise going. I would have loved to see how they wrapped up the story.

Shadows of the Damned is a great choice. The controls took me a minute to get used to and the dialogue is super cheesy, but I loved pretty much everything about the game. There are a few more I would have to recommend that aren't likely to get a remake or a reboot.

RoomDead-Alive? Lawnmower sold seperately.

I'm so far behind in that game. I just barely got Basement Boy and then killed mom for the first time. I need to play so much more. I think part of my brain is waiting for the updated version to come out, then I'll probably play the hell out of it.

I didn't have much interest in that game until you mentioned Soul Reaver. If it ends up being anything at all like that I may have to check it out.

Yeah. Last time I went way out to the end of a branch and it made it so that wasn't quite so annoying. Then I took a picture because I could. The only reason I now have a twitter account is so I can take stupid pictures like this one.

There's actually some South Park episodes, I think three of them, that are kind of a lead up to the game. You don't have to watch it before you play, but if you're looking to watch some South Park I remember them being pretty good. They're the Black Friday episodes from season 17 if you're interested at all.

That reminds me of when I was playing with one of the beach ball things and accidentally kicked it over the edge. I was just standing there watching it fall when suddenly someone's character was plummeting after it. I couldn't stop laughing. I didn't mean to kill anyone, I swear!

Should I install Prison Architect and give it a shot? I was kind of wondering about it, but seeing your praise for it makes me a lot more interested. I'm just not sure how into something like that I'll get. I haven't played a game like that for a long time.

The thing about Destiny is that it's mechanics are that of a great shooter. It's super fun to control and shoot and do double and triple jumps. It's the rest of everything about it that makes it so disappointing. I can't explain why that disappointment doesn't keep it from being so addictive though.

Games neither party would be particularly interested in playing through by themselves make the best pass-the-controller co-op. I probably never would have finished a Call of Duty campaign on my own because I lack the attention span or interest for those games, but crank the difficulty all the way up and give me a

This weekend I'll be playing more Destiny I'm sure. It's a nice game to play while I watch TV shows on my computer or listen to podcasts because there's not much story to it and what little there is I have absolutely no interest in. Level 23 now. Hoping I can find some decent people to play with for the level 26

Isn't Ashley Williams the dude from Evil Dead and Army of Darkness? He's also in Mass Effect? I should really finish that series.

I think I beat about half of Rapunzel without cheating and looking up the solutions online, those were pretty damn hard. As for Babel, I read somewhere that the last Babel stage in the American version is unwinnable. Not sure if that's true, but since I haven't ever managed to finish the first stage I'll probably

I loved Catherine. Great puzzles and the story and animation ended up being way better than I was expecting. One of these days I'll throw it in again and make another attempt at the game on the hardest difficulty. I managed to get all the endings when I played it, but only on easier difficulties.