Chewbacca Abercrombie

I kept thinking Thomas Haden Church while I was playing, not sure why.

That's one thing I love about games like Remember Me. They very easily could have made the lead character a white male without changing the plot all that much, but instead they made the playable character a woman who's mother is black and who's father is white. I am a white male, so I don't think twice about it when a

This weekend I'll probably be playing some Diablo 3 at some point, but I started playing a couple other games as well.

Apparently you go to hell. That's where the next bit of Saints Row is set at least in the form of standalone DLC. I for one can't wait.

I would totally do your Twitch streamed adventure game idea. That would be fun, but my computer and/or internet is too crappy to even watch Twitch most of the time, so I don't think I'd be able to stream my own video with it at this time.

You'll have to let me know how Hack 'n' Slash is if you get it. It looks like it could be great and I love tricky puzzles so I already have a bit of interest in it, just waiting for someone to say it's worth it really. Even if I get stuck later on and never finish it, if the game up to that point is interesting enough

Sweet. Good to know I didn't totally botch that. I know enough spanish to know the words, but not enough about it to know proper grammar or what order the words should always go in.

Este fin de semana voy a jugar Diablo Tres. If I've learned one thing from online translations, it's that the previous sentence is most likely wrong in some way. But I will be playing that game. Playing as a witch doctor chick and she kicks ass with her zombie dogs and giant zombie pal and acid rain. I got to Act III

I really need to play episodes 3-5. Also episodes 3-5 of Wolf Among Us. I've really been slacking on playing Telltale games lately.

A friend and I are constantly trying to think of horrible band names. "Weird Boob Window" may have just made the list.

Masturbated to it immediately afterwards? Pfft. Amateurs. You can do that while playing.

I think I only got through it 2 and a half times. Don't know why I played through it twice for sure, but the half time was an abandoned run on the hardest difficulty. I may get back to it one day, but the minute long load screens on the 360 make it so hard to want to play again.

I've played a lot of bad games and enjoyed many of them. The only type of game I can think of where there was any shame would probably be the mindless clicking that was Mafia Wars. There was no real game involved, just clicking boxes. I have no idea how much time I put into that game, but it was such a waste of time

That law is just ridiculous. They should really do away with it. I hate having to eat frozen yogurt while riding my elephant down Main St.

My friends and I have have put a ton of time into the Saints Row character creation as well. My favorite thing we created so far was Renee Zellweger zombie. Good times.

I've never played an Elder Scrolls game as anything but a lizard, which makes the character creation screens much easier.

I generally do the same as PaganPoet and try to make characters resemble myself, but usually in slightly better shape. Saints Row games are the ones I spent the most time in character creation, but most games I try to get a colorful mohawk, or at least unnaturally colored hair, a goatie, and try to make the face and

Sadly I played on Normal, knowing that it wouldn't have even been an option on the Japanese cart. I'll probably go back later and try it the real way. I have the Japanese versions of 1and 3 though, so if the American versions had the same deal as 2, it's not an option for me, which is probably good.

You have to be in the air to use Top Spin, right? I haven't been able to use it for anything but killing the ape things that I think were on Hard Man's stage. It worked great against them though. Managed to beat three or four more bosses last night though, so I'm doing alright so far.

Dark Souls tips:
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, roll around like an armadillo.
Some enemies are easier if you hug right up against 'em and try to roll behind them when they attack. Many will kill you if you try this. Use your best judgement.
Advice someone gave me: if you start to get frustrated or anything,