Chewbacca Abercrombie

I started Magrunner probably over a year ago and barely got to the part where the Innsmouth type fish people come into the game before I stopped. I really should finish it at some point, but I've seen so many complaints about bugginess and poor writing that it's hard to get myself interested enough to finish it.

Shoulda just stuck a matchbook under one side. You may have had to defecate at a bit of a slanted angle, but problem solved with the wobble.

Only flagged for pornography if that snake is looking for a little ultraviolence followed by a bit of the ol' in out… but it looks like that's exactly what he's doing so, yes… flagged for pornography.

I think I tried Hard Man, but only had one life left when I got to him and died too quickly to learn his patterns. Maybe I'll just keep at his level until I can get there with more of a chance. Megaman 3 definitely seems harder than 2, but it's fun and I enjoy the challenge. I'll keep at it.

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Honda Civic. Getting a new one.

I'm thinking of doing a complete Donkey Kong Country/64 run myself. I got pretty far into the first one last weekend and was doing great remembering most of the secrets and getting tons of extra lives. I have played a lot less of 2 and 3 though, so I'm not sure how well I'll do with them and despite playing a ton of

Friday I'm playing Purchase a New Car. That should be loads of fun and probably paperwork.

I started playing the DLC for Saints Row 3. I only played a couple of the Genkibowl missions and realized I wasn't in the mood to play it right then. It made me kind of sad to not be in the mood to play Saints Row. I'll get back to it soon I'm sure though.

Last weekend I finished Remember Me. I liked it quite a bit. The story reminded me of Philip K. Dick. Now I have to read more of his stuff. The game is pretty linear, but it didn't really bother me. I liked the combo system a lot, not for the combos, because they weren't that great, but for the fact that you decide

It's super effective.

I think I may have only liked it because it broke up the tedium and monotony of "run from these guards and hide" which I have to do way too often. I haven't really liked any of the Assassin's Creed games all that much though. I couldn't ever see myself replaying any of then once I'm done.

Use a shield. Bed of Chaos kept one hit killing me or swiping me into pits until I started blocking it. That's the only way I got the last part of the fight done. Then it killed me with fire right as I killed it and I had to make the trek again to light the bonfire.

I did a lot of grinding on those giant Anor Londo knights. Lots of souls, little effort (provided you don't attract the attention of more than one at a time) and they're conveniently right next to a bonfire.

I really liked the DLC for the fourth game. Well worth the money in my opinion. I laughed my ass off through most of the Dominatrix one.

Damn. I missed that. The only one I saw them giving away anytime recently was Magrunner and I already have it on 360.

For some reason, after seeing Saints Row III everywhere today, this is the comment that reminded me that I bought all the DLC on sale. Thanks for reminding me… somehow! Looks like I'll be playing some of that very soon. I can't get enough. Can't wait for another one.

I'll probably get through the game with as little bomb making as possible. I've already picked up like 400 different things to make bombs out of and it seems like too much effort to figure out what does what, make a bunch of bombs and constantly switch through them to make sure I'm using the right ones. I threw a bomb

I really liked the punk station in GTA V. Most of my favorite punk bands are Bay area bands, but the LA area had tons of good stuff too and it was cool to hear so many on a soundtrack for a game that doesn't involve skateboards.

Only game I've picked up in the Steam sale was Terraria. I've picked up like 22 games in the GOG sale though. Now my problem is that I want to play them all, but I need to finish other games before I start any.