Chewbacca Abercrombie

Started Assassin's Creed: Revelations and I'm liking it a bit more than 2 and Brotherhood so far. The tower defense kinda part was pretty fun, even though I usually hate tower defense games. The Desmond bits are definitely more interesting so far. Istanbul also seems like it's more visually interesting than the

Is the Liz Phair song of the same title in this game at all? Maybe it should be?

Is NIER good? I got it for Christmas or something and still haven't touched it. And am I right in pronouncing the title like a childlike imitation of a race car revving up. "NIIIEEEEERRR, Niiieeeeeer, niiiieeeer." That's correct, right?

My bicycle game is probably Mario Bros. 2, the one that wasn't originally a Mario game. I can go years and years without playing it, pick it up and still remember where to throw all the door potions and where to find all the shortcuts and warp things. The only part I nearly always have a problem remembering is which

With the Oculus Rift and the Playstation's Project Morpheus on the way, what's the game or style of game you're most eager to experience in virtual reality? What different things would you put in your current games to adapt them for VR headsets?

I completely forgot it had the Street Fighter in it. I love that movie. My copy got stolen, but I have a copy of that game so I guess I can still watch it. Although if I look for it I can probably find a copy of the whole Street Fighter trilogy for like a dollar.

You can become sheriff? I didn't even know. I'll have to actually read the rules and try that out next time I play.

I completely agree. After seeing the first one I really hoped they weren't going to skip making the second game into a movie, but they did and the second movie is a complete train wreck other than one or two decent actiony bits. At least there's still Jacobs Ladder though. They took a lot of inspiration from that

Yes! I forgot to mention how strange parts of the plot are, which I like, and how amazing and creepy the atmosphere is. There were some bits toward the start of the game where I had no idea what to expect that were creepier than some horror survival games I've played.

Haha. My friend used to give me shit because I did that and eventually I could just jump up to the second level of one of the cites instead of having to go through the whole place, I think it was Vivec but I don't recall which towns had which names. It was ridiculous, but it was also kind of awesome.

I probably died to them like 100 times before I started summoning Solaire before every attempt. It's a bit of a job summoning him, at least for me it was, because I had to clear out the room right before O&S, but having him to distract and help deal damage in that fight makes a world of difference and makes it much

I need to get back to my Far Cry 3 playthrough, I don't think I was very far. The outposts in Blood Dragon and Far Cry 3 so far were definitely my favorite parts though. I especially love finishing one completely with stealth or unleashing some wild animal to kill some bad guys for me.

I started playing the Tomb Raider reboot earlier this week and I'm loving it so far. It's like a crazy action movie. The gameplay really isn't anything super original, but I like it and I'm really digging the story and everything. It does have the one thing that is bothersome that is going to happen in most games

A couple of the enemy NPCs do have a conversation stating a possible loophole for this after you beat the game. They pretty much say what with Clayface being involved how do you know it was the real Joker Batman is carrying out at the end. It's convoluted and stupid and I hope they don't try to do something like that,

I really need to pick Alundra back up. I was playing it some last year and got pretty far and was enjoying it and then just stopped playing Playstation games for some reason. My playthrough of Parasite Eve where I managed to get further than I've ever been also got dropped for some reason. Damn my attention span!

I fucking loved Monster Party when I was a kid. Now I want to play it. Thanks for reminding me of it Gerardi.

I just started playing Thomas Was Alone which is the pick right now for the Revue Club on Steam. I was curious to try it, but the fact that it was in the current Humble Bundle with a quite a few other games I wanted to try made it so I pretty much had to pick it up. I'm only about an hour in and so far I like it. It's

Yeah, I heard from a lot of people that catfish were terrible before I tried one, but then I caught some and cooked them on a grill with a little marinade I made and a splash of beer and it was some of the best fish I've eaten. Guess it all depends on how you prepare it. They're a pain for me to clean because I

I finished Stick of Truth earlier this week, achievements and all, so that's done. I liked it and there were a few parts that had me laughing pretty good.

I don't know what it was, but something you said reminds me I should check when they start stocking all the little ponds around where I'm at. I wanna fish the hell out of 'em this year while they're still stocking them with tons of trout. Later they start stocking them more with cats and even if they are just as fun