Chewbacca Abercrombie

When Hungry Hungry Hippos was mentioned I immediately pictured a crowd of people holding up Monopoly money and screaming out bets while four people frantically try to get their hippos to gobble up marbles. Inevitably violence ensues. That's how the game was meant to be played.

The summon for the ally is right at the bottom of the elevator, by the torch before you go into the water.

I can deal with them one at a time, but at one point I was running from one or two of them and ran straight into an ambush of three of the skinny whip guys. I died almost immediately and haven't been back to explore that path yet.

The Copse enemies are like some weird S&M creatures straight out of a Silent Hill game. They creep me out. There are still a few areas in there I haven't explored yet because of this.

I'm playing more Dark Souls 2. I'm getting closer to the end I think, but there's so many secret things I want to figure out that I know I'll be playing it after I beat the story.

Did you get in the coffin boat? That'll do it.

I've been looking for a copy for months and really didn't want to spend ridiculous amount of money on it on Amazon or eBay. Glad someone finally got a copy in. My friends and I usually play Arkham Horror when we get together, so I was hoping this would be a good alternate game to play sometimes. Hopefully everyone

I've watched some people play it on YouTube and it does look like a lot of fun. Hopefully I'll be able to get a game of it going this weekend. Just waiting to hear back if everyone who's playing share a day off.

Dark Souls 2.

That kind of sucks to hear. I saw something about King's Field being similar and was a little interested in eventually checking it out. I might anyway, but with different expectations now.

I think I'm going to pick up Stick of Truth at some point. I've played the older South Park games that were all pretty terrible, but I have high hopes for this one because Stone and Parker were actually involved with writing the game and whatnot.

I actually really liked Dante's Inferno. I'm probably the only one. It's not a very good game, but I liked it anyway. I really can't explain why. I tend to like a lot of games people hate. Maybe I'm just easy to please when it comes to games.

You just reminded me that I got Walking Dead s2e2 last night and then forgot, so I'll probably be playing that at some point this weekend too. I hope it's lighthearted and includes a musical segment where everyone breaks into song and dances around.

I like having friends around when I'm playing Call of Duty type games, because I get sick of them so quickly and it's nice to have someone to pass the controller to. Other games I usually end up screwing around more than I normally would if no one was watching and trying to find interesting or funny things to do that

They always wanted us to sew girlie stuff like scrunchies or little bags when I was in Home Ec class, so I always just made little voodoo dolls and somehow still got full credit. I was a strange kid.

Make some use of the mist ability. That helped me through the second half of that where there are leaves everyfuckingwhere.

I liked how the Bed of Chaos looked and the idea of it becoming more powerful the more you hurt it. I just think it kind of sucked because there wasn't much strategy to it. There was too much luck involved. Also, it took forever to get back there every time I died.

I'm going to be playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
2. I'm probably four or five hours in and so far I'm not
experiencing any of the negative aspects I've read about in most of the
reviews. I really like everything so far. Of course the first game got
similar reviews and I played it through like four times and got

A member of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum working on the soundtrack is a genius move. One of those bands that's too ridiculous for me to listen to regularly, but I love them anyway. I hope this is coming to 360 so I can play the hell out of it. My Steam games don't get nearly enough attention due to my shitty computer.

I've been meaning to play Botanicula. I just keep forgetting it exists. Thanks for reminding me!