Chewbacca Abercrombie

I've got Dark Souls 2 preordered and am excited to play it. That sounds like the ideal way to play it. Now that I've finally got the experience of finishing Dark Souls I might even be able to help discover things instead of being the person begging for help finding things. Ha.

I loved Machinarium. I thought the art style was really cool and I really liked a lot of the puzzles. I need to go back and play that again at some point.

I found out earlier that I get a three day weekend this week, so I'll most likely be playing some stuff. More Brutal Legend, which I have not touched since first playing it last weekend, but have liked so far for the most part. Might possibly play some more Deadpool as well. Also probably try to work in some

so… many… games to play…

I'm terrible at Spelunky, but I still love it. I've only managed to get to the third area and I need a shotgun I can't seem to get to finish the shortcut that would let me skip the jungle and go directly to the third area, so I basically just die a lot trying to get a little further or I die a lot trying to get my

Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a great game title.
Shadows of the Damned I quite like as well.

This weekend I'm gonna play Search For a Boardgame. I'm not expecting to find it, but I'm hoping some local store has a copy hidden behind something else. I played Arkham Horror last weekends and it's the first time I think we beat it without cheating too horribly. Now I want to find Betrayal at House on the Hill and

Same rule might work with Arkham Origins also. I cleared a room and then looked around for Enigma collectibles for about a minute and in that time Batman felt the need to repeat "I need to go to the security room" about fifteen times. And here I thought Batman never intentionally tried to kill anyone.

My go to video game drinking game has always been "kill an enemy take a drink, get killed take two drinks" or some variation of that. A friend and I started this game while playing Ghost Recon for the original xbox which worked quite well. I've since played it during many other games, one of the ones that got us drunk

I've seen like twelve different collective forms of the word. I don't think there is an agreed upon one. I think generally you can just tack on a suffix you like.

I agree about DmC. I beat it a couple weeks ago and loved the game. Boss fights were awesome and I've been listening to Combichrist now as my driving music since I beat it. I'm fully planning on going back to it and trying the harder unlocked difficulty.

I love Super Castlevania 4. I still play it every couple years, but I don't think I've finished it since I was a kid. I just recently got Symphony of the Night and have heard good things about it, but won't start playing it until I've finished Mirror of Fate. I really need to finish Mirror sometime soon, because Lords

Oh, that's cool then. That was the first class I did after not playing for months and I didn't really read the instructions again and screwed it up pretty badly. I haven't played Geography yet, but I loved English. I've played many different versions of that English mini game over the years and always enjoy them and

The reason I liked Dark Souls so much was the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction gained from getting past a part that's killed you uncountable times. I did get a ton of help from other Gameologiteers though.

Night Springs, Golden Playhouse, Professor Genki. What I'd most like to see more of though is the radio show from Prey. I realize it's already a real show, but I miss Art Bell damn it! George Norry annoyed me and the new host is a fear mongering clown on par with Fox news.

The "kill a bat with a tomahawk" challenge in the DLC is the only one I've hated so far, especially since I've dead eyed one a couple times, but keep hitting the wrong button in my excitement and screwing it up.

I think that's what the Resident Evil S.T.A.R.S. team is called in the porno version. If not I'm trademarking it. And the word candy when having anything to do rock climbing or snow blowers. Also the words "rock", "climbing" and "snow". I am not affiliated with *shifty eyes*

I just finished Spec Ops: the Line like twenty minutes ago. It was a much different game than I was expecting. In a good way. I really liked it even if I felt horrible about nearly everything I did in the game the whole time I was playing.

Psychonauts is one of my shaming games as well. I've gotten pretty far in it both times I've tried to finish it, bit always put it down for no discernible reason. My other is Half Life 2. Beat the game proper, episode 1, and most of episode 2 and then stopped. I don't know why. I really don't know why. *gets drunk and

Good to hear Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is enjoyable. I bought it forever ago and still haven't got around to playing it. I really liked the first one though.